Anisakan, Myanmar - May 2017 - From 12 to 15 May there was an ongoing formation meeting for the Salesians of the Myanmar Vice-Province (MYM), organized and animated by Fr Charles Shaw, Superior MYM, and his Council. Fr Václav Klement, Councillor for the East Asia Region, also took part. The meeting was divided into 10 sessions. The topics related to the reorganization of Salesian works, Formation, Youth Ministry, Social Communication, Mission, Economy and Community Animation.
Johannesburg, South Africa - May 2017 - On 13 May, the feast of St Maria Domenica Mazzarello, the Salesian Family of the Johannesburg region met at the Provincial House of the South African Vice-Province (AFM) to celebrate Salesian Family Day. Fr Francois Dufour, SDB, Superior of AFM, and Sr Marie-Claire Jean, Provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, welcomed members of the Salesian Family and lay collaborators. There were times set aside for reflection on issues of Salesian Spirituality. Fr Américo Chaquisse, Councillor for the Africa-Madagascar Region, presided at Mass, and Sr. Chantal Mukase, Councillor of the FMA, gave the final message.
Bologna, Italy - May 2017 - On 14 May, in the piazza named after the Salesian Fr Antonio Gavinelli, in front of the Shrine of the Sacred Heart, the inauguration ceremony took place of a monument dedicated to him. The bronze statue, created by Luigi Enzo Mattei, is the result of a joint action between the city of Bologna, the Salesian House of the Sacred Heart and the citizens who joined in the fundraising. Fr Gavinelli, was responsible for the reconstruction of the cupola and the church of the Sacred Heart: first, after its collapse during the earthquake of 21 November 1929 and again after it was bombed during World War II.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - April 28, 2017 - A meeting of the Salesian Brothers of the Vietnam Province (VIE) was held, six years after the previous meeting.. There were 40 participants. The meeting was led by Fr Joseph Phuoc, Brother Dominic Nam and Fr Václav Klement, Councillor for the East Asia-Oceania Region.
Brindisi, Italy - May 2017 – On Saturday 13 May, in the Sacred Heart parish of the Salesians in Brindisi, the Salesian Antonio Maria Lopez was ordained priest through the imposition of hands and the prayer of ordination by Archbishop. Domenico Caliandro of Brindisi-Ostuni.
Kigali, Rwanda - May 2017 – To revive the missionary dimension among the Salesians, the Vice-Province of Africa Great Lakes (AGL) organized a Missionary and Vocations Day on 14 May. The event was attended by Salesians, young people from various works and missionary volunteers, who gave their testimony of missionary life. Fr Camiel Swertvagher, Superior of AGL was among those present.