Los Teques, Venezuela - March 2024 - An agreement was signed between the Padre Ojeda Salesian University Institute (IUSPO) and the Pontifical Catholic University Santa Rosa (UCSAR) on 12 March. "A dream that demands a constant work from us for those who have been entrusted to us", said Fr Rafael Montenegro, Superior of the Salesian Province of Venezuela (VEN), during the opening address of the academic event. The signing took place at the facilities of the IUSPO, where lecturers and students from both academic bodies met. During the event, Fr Montenegro expressed emotional words that referred to the journey made by the Salesian University Institute and what it now intends to undertake, to become Don Bosco Catholic University. This agreement, named by the rector of UCSAR, P. Carlos Boully, as the "Society of Joy" agreement, aims to offer different spaces for university education to the population of Altos Mirandinos, in particular to young people.Through this strategic union, at the IUSPO headquarters, various degree courses will begin to be offered: social communication, psychology, law, administration, among others.
Tangerang, Indonesia – March 2024 – The Salesians in the St Louis Versiglia Vice-Province of Indonesia (INA) recently concluded their third Provincial Chapter, held from 11 to 15 March at the Don Bosco Community in Tigaraksa. A total of 17 Salesians took part in the Chapter, representing the 55 Salesians in Indonesia. Preparation for the Provincial Chapter had already begun in October 2023, with Fr Andrew Wong, as INA Superior entrusting the role of moderator to Fr Silversius Andang. On the occasion of the opening, on 11 March, Fr Petrus Pehan Tukan, SDB, led a brief moment of recollection, inviting those present to reflect deeply on the theme of the next GC29. Fr Wong then provided his analysis on the status of the Vice-Province, based on the roadmap provided by the Rector Major in 2018. During the Provincial Chapter, the participants were divided into groups to discuss the topics proposed by the Rector Major in preparation for the GC29. The Provincial Chapter ended with the election of the Delegate who will participate in the GC29 and with a closing address by Fr Wong, who expressed his gratitude to God and thanked the Tigaraksa Community for facilitating the Provincial Chapter.
Caracas, Venezuela – March 2024 – Fr Hugo Orozco, Councillor for the Intermerica Region, made the Extraordinary Visitation to the community of the Salesian Theologate in Caracas, in the St Luke Province of Venezuela (VEN) from Saturday, 9 March to Monday 11 March. During his stay, Fr Orozco spent days filled with fraternity, listening, discernment and accompaniment. The visit ended with the Eucharist presided over by the Regional Councillor, the fraternal agape and concluding report. Before leaving, Fr Orozco invited the students of theology to continue their formation and to give the best for the young people of Venezuela "Conversion is an important issue for everyone, we must bring hope to young people".
Amatitán, Mexico - March 2024 - From 3rd to 10th March 2024, the 30th anniversary celebrations of “CRESCO-America”, a specific formation community for Salesian coadjutors of the Salesian Provinces in America, was celebrated. The event, organised by the current CRESCO community and the Province of Mexico-Guadalajara (MEG), was also attended by 35 Salesian coadjutors who were formed at the centre in previous years. From 3rd to 9th March, Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major Emeritus, preached the Annual Retreat in the Amatitan house. He dwelt on the theme of the Salesian consecration of the Sons of Don Bosco and on the deepening of the gift of the canonisation of Artemide Zatti to the Salesian Congregation. On 9th March, a picnic was organized which helped to share their various formation experiences among the batches in the 30 years of CRESCO communituy. The following day, a commemorative event was held at the theologate in Tlaquepaque, during which a commemorative plaque was blessed and a reflection was shared on the form of the Salesian coadjutor in the Salesian consecrated vocation. Fr Filiberto González, the Provincial of Mexican Province - MEG, also expressed his gratitude for the 28 years of presence of CRESCO in the Province of Central America (CAM) dedicated to the "Divine Saviour". Fr. Guido Errico, representing the Formation Sector, aanimated those days urging the participants to offer, in words and by example, the beauty of Don Bosco's idea of the Salesian coadjutor, exploring further its development and contribution to the contemporary mission. It was also a time of prayer for vocations to the Brotherhood. Salesians from numerous Provinces of America participated in the experience.
Wisła, Poland – March 2024 – Last weekend (8-10 March) the first Lenten retreat of the Young Salesian Cooperators of the Krakow Province (PLS), from Oświęcim, Staniątki and Zabrze, was held in Wisła. During the three days, led by Fr Andrzej Król, SDB, the participants reflected on Eucharistic Pedagogy, discussing the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist seen through the eyes of St John Bosco. It was a meeting full of fruitful conversations and mutual reinforcement. There was no lack of joy and time to mix together during an evening of celebration, a trip to the mountains and making music together.
Photo: Manuela Wieczorek
Turin, Italy – March 2024 - The second Savio Club event was held for children from first to third grade, this time, exceptionally, in Valdocco on 9-10 March 2024. The approximately 300 young people present at each of the two days – chosen according to the needs of the groups – tried to discover with the guidance of the leaders the secret of the holiness of Dominic Savio through a mixture of ingredients that Don Bosco already dreamed of: games, meetings, formation. The youngsters got involved and were available, thanks to the great work done by the program's leadership team.
Source: salesianipiemonte.info