Maputo, Mozambique – April 2024 – The Continental African Conference of Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) was held at the Don Bosco Higher Institute in Maputo from 9 to 12 April. The objective, after a special period of accompaniment by the General Coordinator of the IUS, Fr Oscar Lozano, is to establish a common continental program in the light of the documents of the 8th World Assembly. Taking part in the meeting were Fr Giuseppe Meloni, from the Don Bosco Higher Institute in Maputo, Mozambique; Fr Dieudonné Besa, from IUS in Lubumbashi, Congo; Fr Didier Eklou, from the Don Bosco Higher Institute in Lomé, Togo and Fr Luvundo Capalo, Delegate of the Don Bosco Higher Institute in Luanda, Angola. The work began with a greeting from Fr Adolfo Sarmento, Superior of the Salesian Vice-Province of Mozambique (MOZ) and with the conference "Perspective on Higher Education in Africa" by Dr. Prof. Cipriano Parafino Gonçalves. The work of the Conference, led by the General Coordinator of the IUS, has achieved its purpose of structuring the Joint Programme 3 of IUS-Africa that spells out the aims for the following years: IUS policy making, teacher and administrative training, network consolidation, research sharing, best practices and other initiatives of common interest. The conference had its conclusion with the election of the continental coordinator in the person of Fr Diuedonné Besa, of IUS Congo.
Comoro, East Timor – April 2024 – The Don Bosco Tech ASEAN, i.e. the body that coordinates Salesian Vocational Training in Myanmar, the Philippines, East Timor, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, has organised a formation course on the development of curricula for vocational education and training. The course, held at the Don Bosco Training Centre in Comoro from 8 to 10 April, focused on teaching materials based on skills for professional qualifications or level I, II and III certifications.
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea – April 2024 - The Third Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Vicve-Province of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands (PGS) took place from 10 to 12 April. Sixteen members from different backgrounds representing the Salesians of the PGS Vice-Province were present, and reflected on and explored the theme of GC29: "PASSIONATE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST, DEDICATED TO YOUNG PEOPLE. Living our Salesian vocation faithfully and prophetically.“ Opening the Chapter, Fr Gregorio Bicomong, PGS Superior, invited the Salesians to a process of conversion, highlighting four aspects: Falling in love, Committing to love, Growing in love and Sharing love. The Chapter Moderator, Fr Pedro Sachitula, then presented the working document to the Chapter members, a summary of the answers sent by the members of the PGS Vice-Province. The opening Eucharist was celebrated on 11 April by Bishop Peter Baquero, SDB, Bishop of Kerema, with the work of the day that opened with the report on the status of the PGS Vice-Province presented by Fr Bicomong and the financial report presented by Fr Srimal Priyanga Silva, PGS Economer. The Chapter members, divided into two groups, reflected on the three core areas of GC29 and at the end of the various phases of work the final document was approved. The members elected Fr Sachitula as delegate of the PGS Vice-Province to GC29 and Fr Ariel Magatangay as substitute. Fr Bicomong presided over the Eucharist that concluded the Provincial Chapter.
Los Teques, Venezuela – April 2024 – The Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of Venezuela (VEN) concluded on 13 April. During the days, the 42 Chapter members studied the three core areas of GC29, an opportunity to deepen passion for Jesus Christ and reaffirm the commitment to young people, following a faithful and prophetic life according to the Salesian vocation. During these days of fraternity, the Salesian Chapter members had the honour of receiving Bishop Raúl Biord Castillo, SDB, Bishop of La Guaira, and Bishop Freddy Jesús Fuenmayor Suárez, Bishop of Los Teques, who inspired those present and expressed their gratitude for the positive influence of the Salesian presence in Venezuela, especially in the work carried out for the benefit of youth. The event was also space for work and dedication, where Salesians shared dreams and visions for the Salesian Congregation. The Moderator of the Provincial Chapter, Fr Jorge Bastidas, called for prayer and listening to the voice of God in young people, while the Provincial, Fr. Rafael Montenegro, stressed in his message that despite the adversities in Venezuela, God continues to strengthen the community to continue carrying out good works.
Cumbayá, Ecuador – April 12, 2024 – The last day of the Provincial Chapter of the Salesians of Ecuador ended with the presentation of the provincial plans and projects. The last three provincial documents were shared: first, Fr Juan Flores presented the progress of the Salesian Family Project; Katherine Guamán, Lay Formation Technician, shared the progress of the Lay Formation Project and, finally, Fr Marcelo Coronel presented the progress of the renewed Missionary Presence Project. Regarding this latter document, Fr Marcelo Farfán, ECU Provincial, invited all Salesians to contribute with criteria that allow them to continue dreaming and building proposals to continue being faithful to God in the service of indigenous peoples. "Our Province is missionary and this is a wealth, a gift from God that has been for us a point of enormous pastoral dynamism. For this reason, we must all participate and not only brothers who are on mission, if we want a renewed project."
Nairobi, Kenya – April 2024 - The Africa-Madagascar Salesian Formation Centre (Don Bosco – SAFCAM), organised a formation course from 8 to 12 April at the Don Bosco Youth Educational Services" (DBYES). It was on Salesian Spiritual Accompaniment at the level of the Africa-Madagascar Region.The ten participants, eight (8) SDBs and two (2) FMAs came from East Africa (AFE); Tanzania (TZA), Africa Nigeria Niger (ANN) and Southern West Africa (AOS). Fr Cirillo Odia and Fr Philip Lazatin, SDB, were the facilitators for the formation meetings. The course began with the presentation of the Emmaus Experience as an icon of spiritual direction. After personal reflection and sharing in the assembly, participants were given the scriptural and historical context of accompaniment or spiritual direction. Facilitators helped participants understand the nature and process of spiritual accompaniment. The Characteristics of a Good Spiritual Director and the usual Stages of Spiritual Growth were also presented. For the participants it was also fascinating to explore Salesian accompaniment, reflecting on the experience and style of Don Bosco, and thus become aware of the Salesian pastoral and spiritual accompaniment in Formation and Mission. In addition, some case studies on the image of God and other real situations were presented, as well as useful tools for spiritual accompaniment. Participants also had practice sessions on some topics covered. In the final meeting everyone expressed their appreciation for this important course and suggested organising it also for other members of the Salesian Family and in the houses of formation. Special thanks went to the SAFCAM facilitators and team.