Kottiyam, India – April 2024 – The thirteenth edition of the youth meeting called All Kerala Don Bosco Youth Meet was held from 12 to 14 April , organised by Don Bosco Youth Services Kerala, at the Don Bosco Institute in Kottiyam. The event, held under the theme "The dream that makes you dream", was attended by 260 young people and 20 animators from 18 different Salesian centres. The meeting offered young people the opportunity to reflect on their dreams, engage in social awareness activities and strengthen their spiritual foundations. The event, which saw the presence of numerous esteemed guests, was opened by Fr Shalbin Kalanchery, Vice-Provincial of the Province of Bangalore, while the final Eucharist was presided over by the INK Provincial, Fr Jose Thomas Koyickal.

Palermo, Italy – April 2024 - Vocational animation ended on Saturday 13 April at the Don Bosco Institute, Villa Ranchibile in Palermo, animated by a team of young FMA and SDB from Sicily. During the week, several activities were carried out with the 950 students of the first and second grade secondary school, the latter divided into the Classical, Scientific and Economic-Social high schools. Inspired by a famous Italian song from 1979, the testimony of consecrated young people was linked to the theme of the light we receive from Christ, how the moon reflects that of the sun, and the experience of darkness, which challenges us to restart and rekindle ourselves. In the meetings in the assembly, during the morning of retreat, but above all with the formation dynamics carried out class by class, many adolescents were emotionally involved through the simple gesture of turning on a light bulb that, together with those of their classmates, made a large moon shine. The young team, FMA and SDB, also experienced days of great charismatic wealth, characterised by the rhythm of the school day; the morning Eucharist celebrated together and the uninterrupted presence among the children of the school and the oratory, cemented the group, made the educational heart of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello present and visible.

Minglanilla, Philippines April 2024 - The Salesian Family in the Province of the Southern Philippines (FIS) has gathered in a spirit of communion, formation and mission at the FMA Mary Help of Christians School in Minglanilla, Cebu. This significant meeting, with the theme "Communion, Formation and Mission of the Salesian Family in relation to Don Bosco's dream at 9 years of age", involved members from different branches of the Salesian Family, including the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB), the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), the Association of Salesian Cooperators (ASC), the Mary Help of Christians Association (ADMA), Past Pupils of Don Bosco, Volunteers of Don Bosco and Damas Salesianas The novices, pre-novices and aspirants from the Don Bosco Formation Centre in Lawaan were also involved. The central moment of the event was the enriching address by Fr Nestor Impelido, SDB, originally from the Northern Philippines Province. Fr Impelido stressed the urgency of a complete Salesian presence in the missions, taking up a reflection by Fr Egidio Viganò that "in the missions there is an urgent need for an integral Salesian presence". Fr Impelido elaborated on some key points, underlining that the Salesian Family is an ecclesial reality and a living heritage bequeathed by Don Bosco himself. The day was marked by Holy Mass and community lunch, as well as a festival of talents that fostered a deep sense of fraternity and unity among the participants.

Lubin, Poland – April 2024 – The city of Lubin, which has three Salesian communities, hosted the "Oratory" event on the theme "A dream that becomes reality" which was attended by over two hundred young people from various presences of the Salesian Province of Poland-Wrocław (PLO). The Lubin Oratory event was organised by Fr Mikołaj Wyczalek, SDB, Delegate for Youth and Vocational Ministry in the PLO Province, and for the young participants it was a unique experience which will remain in their memory for a long time, as it allowed them to strengthen their faith, make new friends and experience the joy of being part of the Salesian Family.

Rome, Italy – April 2024 - On Thursday, 11April the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) signed an agreement with the Hungarian Gál Ferenc University that provides, in particular, for collaborative activities with the Institute of Catechetics. Different possibilities for cooperation range from the sharing of research projects and educational paths to the exchange and collaboration between professors of the two universities. The Rector, Prof. Fr Andrea Bozzolo, together with the Secretary General Fr Jaroslaw Rochowiak and Prof. Ubaldo Montisci, welcomed the Hungarian delegation comprising the Rector of the Gál Ferenc University, Prof. László Dux; the Director for International Affairs of the Diocese of Szeged-Csanád, Dr. Róth Márton; the Bishop of the Diocese of Szeged-Csanád, Bishop László Kiss-Rigó; the Rector of the Seminary in the Diocese of Szeged-Csanád, Kovács József and the Director of the Institute of Catechetics and our former student, Levente Gabor Serfózó.

Source: unisal.it


Lima, Peru – April 2024 - More than 300 people from the different groups of the Salesian Family of Peru gathered in the auditorium of the María Auxiliadora School in Breña to celebrate the Day of Salesian Spirituality. This fraternal meeting took place under the title proposed by Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major, in his Strenna entitled: "The dream that makes you dream". A heart that transforms "wolves" into "lambs". In addition to the various groups that make up the Salesian Family in Peru, the young people of the Breña Youth Centre also participated, offering their share of joy and animation, as well as students from the San Francisco de Sales school. The welcome greeting was given by Sister Elsy Núñez, Provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, who in addition to thanking the participants for their presence highlighted the importance of the shared mission of the Salesian Family in a complex society that needs us. "May this day fill us with enthusiasm and inspire us to live our charism and our mission with fervour" she concluded. At another time of the day, after the presentation of the short film "Sueño.9" by Fr Jesús Jurado, Provincial Delegate for Social Communication, the Strenna was presented by Fr Juan Pablo Alcas, Superior of the PER Province. In his address the Provincial highlighted three key points that the Rector Major made on his last visit to Peru: the importance of communion, the renewal of  charismatic identity and, finally, the value of visibility, but without wanting to stand out as special.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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