(ANS – Aquino) – On Saturday, 9 March, in an evocative ceremony in the church of Santa Maria della Libera in Aquino, Salesian Fr Mauro Mantovani, Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Library, was awarded the Saint Thomas Aquinas International Prize, awarded by the Circolo San Tommaso Aquino.
(ANS – Rome) – The Extraordinary Visitation to the Sacred Heart Circumscription of Central Italy (ICC), carried out by Fr Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy, Councillor for the Mediterranean Region, on behalf of the Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, concluded on 10 and 11 March 2024.
(ANS - Meruri) - Ever since the announcement of this Animation Visit of the Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, to the Province of Brazil-Campo Grande, meetings with the Boe-Bororo and Xavantes peoples have been foreshadowed as the most significant stages of the journey. And now that the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco is actually in the Salesian missions dedicated to them, all the attention of the Salesian Family towards these peoples, rich in history, traditions and culture, even though so often placed in a condition of risk of social exclusion, once again shines through.
(ANS – Rome) – The school of Salesian spiritual accompaniment is on its 4th year (2021-2024) offering having already served 160 confreres coming from 60 provinces of our 7 regions.
(ANS - Castelnuovo Don Bosco) - On 9 and 10 March, the European Salesian novitiate at Colle Don Bosco, near Castelnuovo Don Bosco, received a visit from the General Councillor for Social Communication of the Salesian Congregation, Fr. Gildasio Mendes. The visit was marked by various formative sessions with the novices focusing on the digital world and its connection to the youth sphere. It provided an opportunity for insightful discussions and learning experiences.
(ANS - Corumbá) - On Saturday, March 9th, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, made a visit to the city of Corumbá. There, he was honored by local authorities and warmly received by the entire community, especially the youth who frequent the local Salesian home. The day's festivities included the conferral of honorary citizenship and a solemn Mass held at the church-sanctuary dedicated to Mary Help of Christians.
RMG – The missionaries of the 155th Salesian Missionary Expedition: Guy Roger Mutombo Mutshi, from the Vice-Province of Africa Congo Congo (ACC) to the Province of Southern Italy (IME)
(ANS – Rome) – The final word from the new Salesian missionaries comes from Congolese Guy Roger, a missionary in the Province of Southern Italy. "My plans and dreams for my missionary life are to live in communion of spirit and action with my Salesian brothers in IME for the salvation of poor and abandoned young people, according to the heart of Don Bosco and to the greater glory of God".
Myanmar – Tragedy of Innocent Children in the midst of Armed Conflicts
(ANS – Naypyidaw) - Myanmar finds itself immersed in profound grief and anguish as innocent lives, particularly those of children, continue to be mercilessly lost in the enduring armed conflicts. Families are left devastated by the tragic loss of their loved ones while the relentless violence shows no signs of abating. This week, a heartfelt plea from Myanmar reached our community, shedding light on the heart-wrenching death of a young girl Juliet in a military airstrike, prompting a unified call for prayers and action.
Italy – Presentation of the volume "Giovanni Bosco, Predicazione"
(ANS – Rome) – Last Friday, 22 November 2024, at the UPS, the Salesian Historical Institute (ISS), in collaboration with the Don Bosco Study Centre (CSDB) at the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) in Rome, presented the volume Giovanni Bosco, Predicazione. Introduzione, testi critici e note a cura di Aldo Giraudo e Massimo Schwarzel. (= ISS – Fonti, Prima Series, 18). Rome, 2024. The symposium involved numerous scholars who were able to illustrate the originality and specific value of this new text on St John Bosco.
RMG – Called from every nation, to go forth to all nations!
(ANS – Rome) – We are approaching the eve of the Holy Year. Today, the 11th of the month, the General Councillor for Missions, Fr. Alfred Maravilla, shares his reflection on the mystery of the Church, its relationship to the Kingdom, its mission in today’s world and Don Bosco's love for the Church.
A new time is given to us: from the Heart of God to the heart of humanity, mirrored in the great heart of Don Bosco.
Dear friends and readers, in this December issue I address you with my best wishes for a new year! We find ourselves in a new time that is given to us to live with intensity and with "newness of life," which I make my own, as a propitious and opportune wish. I am speaking of the gift that the Holy Father has given us in recent days: his Encyclical letter Dilexit Nos on the human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ.