Workshops opened in the 1850s

Don Bosco, through his "Salesian workshops," aimed not only to teach a trade, but to foster the social advancement of the students by acquiring a social role. In the decade of 1850 numerous workshops were opened.

In October 1853 the workshop for learning the shoemaker's trade was set up in a small corridor of Pinardi House, near the bell tower of the chapel of St. Francis de Sales. In the same year the tailoring workshop was also opened, in the old kitchen of Casa Pinardi.

In 1854 the third workshop, the bookbinding workshop, was opened. Gradually, a small bookstore grew out of this workshop, which ten years later became an independent business.

The fourth workshop of this decade was opened in 1856 and was the carpentry workshop. It was established in November and arose in front of St. Francis de Sales Church. Compared to the other three, the carpentry workshop was the largest and best equipped workshop.

Source: Boletín Salesiano CAM 


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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