My Faithbook
In evidenza

29 Maggio 2017

The book has nothing to do with Facebook, though the title, cover design and colour may find striking similarities. But it has something to do with one of the four pillars of faith - prayer. That part of the faith with a focus on meditation is this Faithbook.

The book, authored by Fr Gilbert Choondal, SDB, contains 14 sections, with a variety of praying methods and meditations. Each session is about a specific type of meditation or a prayer method in the Church. They contain both principles and methods to practise them. The purpose of the book is given at the introduction. One of the objectives of the book is to help our Catholics appreciate and pray the several Christian traditions of meditation. The main audience of the book is formators, catechists and parents. The subtitle to the book, "To pray always and all ways" indicates that this book is to help our Catholics to pray continuously and in different ways. Basically, most Catholics confine themselves to some prayers and Sunday mass to connect themselves to God. This book helps them to be connected to God continuously through the art of meditation.

NBCLC Publications 

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