(ANS - Nizza) - Did Don Bosco really articulate an educational method? On 12 March 1877, in Nice, Don Bosco entitled his project: "The Preventive System in the education of young people". Those few pages are the only ones in which Don Bosco sketched a theory of his educational method.
(ANS – Tijuana) – “Desayunador Salesiano Padre Chava”, the happening place in Tijuana for migrants, refugees and street-dwellers, the best symbol of Salesian commitment to the disenfranchised will soon be celebrating 80 seasons of dedicated service to the last and least of the people that live in this city bursting at the seams with a population growing by the day due to migration and deportation. The wonderful work being done by 9 Salesians and a host of volunteers in this Mexican - American border city of Tijuana is nothing short of the miracles in the Gospels. Fr Pallithanam Thomas, the Salesian representative at the UN, recounts his experience at this “feeding of the 5000”.
(ANS - Rome) - With a beautiful and passionate letter, Pope Francis addressed young people all over the world and gave them the message for the World Youth Day (WYD) of 2018, which represents another step in preparations for World Youth Day, taking place in Panama in 2019. The Pope reminds young people that Mary will be the companion of this wonderful journey.
(ANS - Madrid) - The film "Wonder", the story of little Auggie Pullman, a child with a facial deformation who faces the challenge of attending a public school for the first time, arrived in cinemas this past December.
During the film, which deals with the delicate issue of scholastic bullying, there is a clear resemblance to the Preventive System of Don Bosco and these ten sentences of the founder of the Salesians are proof of this.