(ANS - Córdoba) - A space for communion and the widespread sharing of art and culture: this is the theater. But for the Salesian Family, theater is much more: it is one of the pillars of education, especially during leisure time.
(ANS - Dili) - With about 80 Salesians in formation, East Timor is currently a growing pool or hub for young Salesians. The accompaniment carried out in the four formation houses - two major aspirantates, in Dili and Fatumaca, the prenovitiate of Los Palos and the Novitiate of Fatumaca - is decisive for the flowering of the Salesian charism in the country.
(ANS - Porto Alegre) - 2018 is an important year for Human Rights: 70 years have passed since the United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Preventive System, in this sense, offers an anthropology inspired by the Gospel and sees the dignity of every person as the foundation of Human Rights, without distinction.
(ANS - Paris) - How to educate young people about inner freedom, so that they possess constructive criticism and do not let themselves be carried away by their emotions? How can we help them to distance themselves from false news that circulate everywhere and confuse truth with falsehood? And then, what is the critical spirit?