(ANS - Lombriasco) - At the end of Expo Lombriasco AgriCultura 2019: "Restoring the land to young people, agriculture for life", held in October, the "Net4Grow" project was presented, a network between the Salesian Agricultural School of Lombriasco, the Plaza Argentina Association, the Salesian Agricultural Schools in the world, the Past Pupils of Don Bosco, businesses and professionals in the sector, which has the objective of preserving and developing agricultural vocational training and generating projects for shared local development.
(ANS – Los Angeles) – Juan Carlos Montenegro, a young lay person, has been working for years in Youth Ministry and Mission Animation in the West US Province (SUO). He has recently attended a conference on Catholic Volunteering, which has raised a few questions in him, and which we report below.
(ANS - Cusco) - Cusco, the ancient imperial capital of the Incas, at 3,300 meters above sea level, is the seat of a Salesian school that is greatly appreciated by the locals, a school with a thousand students, and so appreciated that for every seat available in the classes of the first year there are about fifty applications for registration. Cuzco is also the city closest to another symbolic work: the agricultural school of Monte Salvado.
(ANS - Lima) - The first Salesians arrived in Peru in 1891, in what was the first Salesian Missionary Expedition with Don Rua as Rector Major. There are currently 16 Salesian works in Peru, distributed in all of the country's regions. There are large schools, many parishes, missionary chapels, oratories, youth centers ... and many projects created for the most vulnerable young people.