(ANS - Rome) - Pope Francis has offered the Amazonian Church, the universal Church and all men of good will the post-synodal document: Querida Amazonía. Below, Fr Martín Lasarte, who participated in the Synod of Bishops on the Pan-Amazon region, indicates only a few of the many significant points.
(ANS - Lima) - Living and accompanying the most needy of Amazonian populations is no longer considered by the Catholic Church as something for a few "dispersed in the jungle", as could have been the case with, or at the time of, Fr Luis (Luigi) Bolla. In one of his speeches to missionaries, Pope Francis said: "Do not be afraid to open new roads", and today these new roads are "Amazonian peoples", forgotten by a society centralized in large cities and by a Church which is not yet missionary.
(ANS - Turin) - Don Bosco was a big dreamer. He daydreamed, with his eyes open, like all prophets who see far and look to the future with hope. And with the desire to help those they meet on their way, especially if they are children and young people who live on the margins of society, of family, work and human relations. He dreamed at night in the few hours he could carve out for himself after an exhausting day of work.
(ANS – Rome) – The forthcoming issue of the Acts of the General Council – no. 431 of 2019 – will carry a letter on the Salesian Priest. This is one more way of exploring our charismatic identity more deeply, as GC27 wanted, and is also a complement to the letter “Renewed Attention to the Salesian Brother” which appeared in AGC 424.