(ANS - San Paolo) - In his message for World Youth Day, the Holy Father wrote to the young. "Dear young people, let us not fill our mouths with beautiful words about the poor! Let’s go and meet them! Let's listen to them! The poor are for us a real opportunity to encounter Christ himself, to touch his suffering flesh." Two young Brazilian women accepted his message and decided to leave as volunteers for Angola.
(ANS – Vatican City) – The Year dedicated to the Consecrated Life ended Tuesday, 2 February 2016, with a Eucharist celebrated by Pope Francis, in which more than 5000 consecrated persons – the Ordo Virginum and hermits, monks and cloistered nuns, apostolic religious men and women, secular institutes, and the new forms of consecrated life – filled St Peter’s Basilica and overflowed into the piazza outside.
(ANS – London) – Every feast of Don Bosco is a great day of celebration for the Salesians and Salesian Family, for every Salesian Parish and School, but Don Bosco's Day in 2016 was particularly special in Battersea. This weekend saw the completion of the building and the opening of the new Salesian House and the re-launch of the Salesian Mission after 128 years.
(ANS - Vatican City) - "Carry on! Every one of us has a place and a job in the Church. Please, do not forget the first vocation, the first call. Remember it! The Lord continues to call you today with the same love with which you were first called." These are the words Pope Francis addressed to the men and women religious who, on 2 February, attended the Eucharist in the Vatican Basilica for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The event also marked the closure of the Year of Consecrated Life.