(ANS – Mumbai) – Two hundred and sixty eight women, from a series of slums in Mumbai, who undertook skill-based training in basic computing, spoken English, tailoring, garment making, beauty care, hair dressing and mehendi application - to help them earn their livelihood - attended a graduation ceremony at the Salesian Provincial House in Matunga on January 25.
(ANS - Rome) - Today, 8 February 2016, the Church celebrates its Second World Day to Combat Human Trafficking. The day was strongly desired by Pope Francis and launched for the first time in 2015. Significantly, it is celebrated on the day when we commemorate St Josephine Bakhita, herself a victim of trafficking. The aim is to create greater awareness of the problem and try to give concrete answers to end this scourge.
(ANS - Tema) - "You cannot stop the wind with your hands", says an African proverb. But you can hear the wind and interpret the signs of the time, as the Gospel invites us to do, trying to be merciful like the Father towards those who have fallen into the ruthless network of human trafficking. In this light we can interpret the visit made by Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major, to a centre for child victims of trafficking, on the afternoon of Saturday 6 February.
(ANS – Kuching) – During the weekend, January 24-26, a 'Malaysia Adventure Team' of three Salesians carried out a second historical exploratory trip. This time the non-formal invitation to the Salesians came from Kuching Archbishop John Ha. The FIN provincial Fr Paul Bicomong, his Economer Fr Elu Ulandal, and Fr Noel Villafuerte, a Filipino missionary based in Surabaya (ITM), are happy with the fruits of this short visit.
By F. Noel Villafuerte, SDB