(ANS - Rome) - It was 6 September 2015 when Pope Francis invited parishes and religious communities across Europe to put the Gospel into practice by accepting refugee families, as a concrete gesture of mercy. Since then, many communities have taken up his call. And in recent days, two more Salesian houses, in Rome and Venice, have opened their doors to refugees.
(ANS - Rome) - One of the most significant activities of the Jubilee of Mercy took place on 9 and 10 February in the Vatican: Pope Francis appointed 1142 missionaries of mercy who will be sent around the world. 726 of these priests came to Rome to meet the Holy Father and to be sent out as "Missionaries of Mercy".
(ANS – Mumbai) – Two hundred and sixty eight women, from a series of slums in Mumbai, who undertook skill-based training in basic computing, spoken English, tailoring, garment making, beauty care, hair dressing and mehendi application - to help them earn their livelihood - attended a graduation ceremony at the Salesian Provincial House in Matunga on January 25.
(ANS - Rome) - Today, 8 February 2016, the Church celebrates its Second World Day to Combat Human Trafficking. The day was strongly desired by Pope Francis and launched for the first time in 2015. Significantly, it is celebrated on the day when we commemorate St Josephine Bakhita, herself a victim of trafficking. The aim is to create greater awareness of the problem and try to give concrete answers to end this scourge.