Through learning projects carried out over two years, those taking part in the ‘Youth Going Forth’ program will gain the ability to carry out effective community tasks aimed at solidarity and holistic promotion of the community in which they are working; at the same time they will be accompanied in their activities of evangelisation and promotion in their communities of origin.
Those taking part in the project are young adults who are or have been involved in community leadership tasks in Salesian works; once formed through the “Young Peopl going Forth” program they will be ready to become members of Salesian Missionary Communities – communities of young people intending to respond to God’s call to a missionary vocation ad gentes: “go out to all the world and proclaim the Good News to all of creation.”
One of the addresses given at the Youth Going Forth program is “Epiphany Going Forth”, an initiative meant to develop supportive commitment among the youth, allowing them to mature in their choice of community life and lay involvement.
This initiative, after due preparation, will be put into action at the Feast of the Epiphany in January next, and is meant to be a real “epiphany” (a “manifestation”, “revelation”) of God’s love for our neighbour.
“We would like to be the manifestation of the love that was revealed, became flesh, took on our human history with all its consequences”, say those responsible for the initiative, also quoting John’s Letter (1 Jn 4:8) which reminds us that “God is love” and that love is God’s characteristic attribute, as well as being his most attractive one.
The formation process of Youth Going Forth sees that the experience of the learning project in service to others is framed within the notion of “Supportive Commitment” and involves awareness of the place for mission (communities on the periphery) and approach to people and existing social structures. This way the young people have a practical experience of being sensitive to the needs of their neighbour, to responsibility, solidarity, commitment and proclamation of the Gospel.