Around the world, Salesian works and missions exemplify their unwavering commitment to improving conditions for the youngest members of society. This mission has endured over time, made possible by the dedication of thousands of educators who daily defend the rights of children and youth from diverse backgrounds.
However, wars, inequalities, and the effects of the climate crisis have been the three major threats to the development of boys and girls in 2024. “Defending their rights, protecting them, providing education, and promoting their growth is our way of offering effective and concrete solutions to the vulnerability of minors,” says Fr. Luis Manuel Moral, Director of Misiones Salesianas. “Schools, shelters, vocational training centers, youth centers, nurseries... these are our tools to safeguard the rights of children and adolescents. But they also need love to restore their self-esteem and dignity, so they can laugh, play, dream again... and shape their future.”
Ibrahim, a boy from Togo, left his life on the streets and now aspires to become a mechanic. Lim found a second chance at the “Magone Center” in the Philippines after being imprisoned for drug dealing. Oleh was forced to leave his home and now lives as a refugee in a settlement run by Salesians in Lviv, Ukraine. These individuals are living proof of the threats to the healthy development of minors and the transformative power of education in their lives. They stand as examples for millions of other boys and girls in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and countless other places where gunfire and explosions jeopardize their well-being and lives daily, and where violations of their rights occur routinely.
The Salesians worldwide are committed to educating and protecting minors. In just the past year, the Salesian Mission Office in Madrid alone has supported over 87,000 children and youth globally through 145 educational and protective projects across various countries, with a resource investment exceeding four million euros.