On this occasion, work was carried out to update the Salesian Youth Ministry Frame of Reference, aimed at strengthening the educational service in vocational training through the strengthening of some central contents, such as:
- the originality of Vocational Training, which originates from the nerve centre of Valdocco's proposals, together with the strong bonds developed and strengthened in the integral formation of young people;
- the logic of the educational community, which promotes and consolidates its alliances, including the productive sector, since the development of such collaborations becomes increasingly necessary in a globalised society and in a context open to new possibilities for formal employability;
- the development of educational projects focused on the needs of young people, relevant to their context and the needs of the world of work;
- finally, the strengthening of systematic ministry as a source of inspiration and practical proposals that allow young people to grow not only in the operational skills of the world of work, but also in human and Christian growth, in line with the wide range of skills required in today's complex world.
Another aspect addressed during the meeting, in an interactive and dynamic manner, was that of the educational quality according to the principles of relevance, effectiveness, pertinence, equity and efficiency of the vocational training proposals of the centres, topics that were in turn integrated with practical experiences brought by the various Provinces represented.
A much awaited and appreciated moment was the sharing of best practices of the Provinces and local works, in which the processes and projects carried out in an innovative way and in line with the proposals of each country were made known. Best practices are instances to collect learning and draw lessons to promote not only everything that is done at the local level, but also to generate shared knowledge.
The meeting was also characterised by spaces for liturgical animation and fraternity that gave the participants the opportunity to create or consolidate ties.
Both face-to-face meetings promoted by the Network – in Argentina in 2023 and now in Uruguay – gave the opportunity to get closer to the reality of the country where the meeting takes place; in this case, the participants were able to visit the Talleres Don Bosco, an educational proposal with specialisation, formation and updating courses, through a baccalaureate, short courses and resident courses, where young people, together with formation, are offered the opportunity to stay in a hostel.
It is worth noting that, in these two years, Talleres Don Bosco has received the National Award for Energy Efficiency, an initiative carried out by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines (MIEM), with the aim of giving visibility to the commitment of different institutions, companies and organisations in relation to saving and efficient use of energy in different sectors. The document publicly highlights the efforts and results obtained in the energy efficiency sector, one of the pillars of the second energy transition that Uruguay is developing to consolidate its path towards decarbonisation.
The meeting ended with some agreements on strategic planning for 2025 and with an evaluation aimed at seeking points of improvement for the process carried out by the Network.