Delegates from across the Africa-Madagascar Region, currently composed of:
- 6 Provinces: Africa Nigeria-Niger (ANN), South West Africa (AOS), Central Africa (AFC), East Africa (AFE), North West Africa (AON) and Tanzania (TZA);
- 9 Vice-Provinces: Africa Ethiopia-Eritrea (AET), Africa Congo Congo (ACC), Africa Great Lakes (AGL), Equatorial Tropical Africa (ATE), Angola (ANG), Mozambique (MOZ), Madagascar (MDG), Zambia-Malawi-Zimbabwe-Namibia (ZMB), Southern Africa (AFM).
- there are also 4 Provincial Delegations in the Region: Eritrea (AET); Central East Africa (AFC), Sudan-South Sudan (AFE) and Senegal, Guinea Conakry and Gambia (AON).
In total, they represent about 41 countries and numerous educational and pastoral activities.
Four main points for reflection were offered. First of all, the presentation of a new curriculum for affective-sexual education in the light of the text "A ministry that educates to love". Traditionally, Salesian educational practice has placed the greatest emphasis on the transmission of knowledge, but in affective-sexual education information is not sufficient to guarantee an integral education. Educators must have extensive and pedagogically valid training.
A motivating document was "The Oratory-Youth Centre", part of the the YM Frame of Reference, a book that will soon be published in several languages. Much has been said about the Salesian presence and how it is necessary to live this attitude as a true "Salesian sacrament" in the Oratory-Youth Centre. This apt definition contains the richness of being a visible sign of the Salesian among young people, a kind and fraternal presence that young people perceive as a concrete and effective sign of pastoral charity.
The Delegates, for their part, also confirmed how young people require this presence and do not want Salesians to be spectators of their lives. In this sense, it was explained that being present not only means guaranteeing presence in educational spaces, but being present in a way that animates, frees and is friendly in the lives of young people. Being present means rediscovering the way to love them in their languages.
Again, the document "Flash number 4" entitled: "The role of the Salesian in the educative and pastoral community", written by Fr García Morcuende, was discussed. Some of the shared themes have a lot to do with fraternity and the new skills required for animation. It will be necessary to rewrite and explore the "new profile of the Salesian" in the African situation. It is a research that must be conducted serenely, without underestimating, dramatising or awakening situations from the past that may still persist. Reflection will serve to give birth to a spirit and a style of its own, starting from the houses of formation.
Some sessions were also dedicated to a better understanding of the relationship between Salesians and lay people in the shared mission. It has been said that it is necessary to reflect on the identity of the laity, especially those who choose to live educational work as a personal choice in Salesian houses and not only as a profession. Fr García recalled the theological and anthropological roots of communion. On the other hand, he highlighted that animation can only be carried out effectively in a relational and community context. Everyone must cultivate a "professional" formation, with the ability to synthesise professional skills and educational motivations, and a pastoral formation that must welcome and harmonise the specific contribution of consecrated persons and lay people who share the Salesian mission. The experience of communion, he specified, cannot be improvised, but requires maturity in the relationships between consecrated persons and the laity, which together must promote the spirituality of communion.
Led by Fr García Morcuende, General Councillor for Youth Ministry, and Fr Jobeth Vivo, member of the YM Sector, the different days always began with a Lectio Divina according to the Gospel text of Mk 2: 1-12. In addition, the implementation of the issues discussed last year was evaluated during the work and several Best Practices developed in the various Salesian circumscriptions were shared.
Other topics of dialogue and reflection concerned the accompaniment of the teams of the Salesian Youth Movement and the Salesian Synod of Young Salesians, scheduled for 2024 on the occasion of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco's "Dream at Nine Years of Age".