Cusco, Peru – June 2016 – On June 24, the feast of “Inti Raymi” or the Feast of the Sun is celebrated, which once was one of the greatest celebrations of the Incan Empire, consisting of folk dances called “pasacalles” and parades by students at various levels, who honour Cusco city. On this occasion, the Salesian Institution invited the children and the young people to bring alive this feast in their premises, dressed like the Incans.
Gabutu, Papua New Guinea – June 2016 – In June there was a spiritual retreat for the students of “Don Bosco Technical School”, Gabutu, with a special opportunity to reflect on their own life, their spiritual progress, the formation of character and on how to live as good Christians and honest citizens. The retreat was animated by Fr Ambrose Pereira, SDB and the members of the pastoral team.
Camagüey, Cuba – June 2016 – More than 60 members of the Salesian Family of Cuba gathered at Camagüey from June 23 to 26 to celebrate the centenary of Salesian presence in Cuba and in Antille, on the theme “One story, one family, one journey of education and evangelization”.
Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo – June 25th, 2016 – In the chapel of the theological institute “Saint François de Sales”,on June 25th, there was the celebration of the mass for the closure of the academic year. The Eucharist was presided over by Fr. Jean-Claude Ngoy, Provincial of Central Africa (AFC), concelebrated by the Rector of the Institute, Fr. Jean-Luc Vande Kerkhove, and was attended by formators, some priests and professors. During the mass, some students of the first year and 16 students of the second year received respectively the ministry of Lectors and Acolytes.