Chimpay, Argentina – August 2024 - On Monday 26 August, the day of Ceferino Namuncurá's 138th birthday, the Educational Community of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Luis Beltrán, went to Chimpay to participate in the celebrations. The students of the three educational centres went to the Ceferin Park to celebrate a different day where faith, friendship, nature and fraternal sharing were combined. The students' families joined in with the proposal and participated in the Mass celebrated by the Salesian Bishop of Viedma, Bishop Esteban Laxague, together with Fr Antonio Sánchez Lara, parish priest of Chimpay and other invited priests. After the mass, a lunch and a large cake were shared to celebrate Ceferino's birthday and followed by the games organized by the students of the 5th grade of the second grade secondary school and, for the youngest, by the teachers of the primary school. It was a different day in which the teachings of Don Bosco, the feelings of the original communities and the river that identifies and nourishes the people of the Rio Negro were combined.

Esmeraldas, Ecuador – September 2024 – 150 people participated in the 1st edition of the Afro-Ecuadorian youth meeting: 138 young people and 12 educators from Salesian works in Guayaquil, Santo Domingo, San Lorenzo and the host city, Esmeraldas. The event took place from 30 August to 1 September at the María Auxiliadora Fiscomisional Educational Unit. During the meeting, several activities were proposed that aim to promote the participation, integration and empowerment of young people of African origin in Salesian works. The proposed work methodology involved the participation and support of a group of teachers from the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS), based in Quito. They were in charge of moderating formation topics aimed at understanding the current reality of Afro-Ecuadorian youth. Among the central events of the meeting: a round table on the richness of African culture and its contribution to the Salesian Youth Movement and the Marimba Festival, during which young people demonstrated their skills for music and dance.

Duaca, Venezuela – August 2024 - Under the motto "The Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep", the priestly ordination of Salesian Gabriel Escalona took place with great joy on Saturday, 31 August, at the Domingo Savio Youth Centre in Duaca. The celebration, presided over by the bishop of the Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Ayacucho, Bishop Jonny Eduardo Reyes Sequera, SDB, marked a significant stage in the life of the Salesian community and the local Church. The ceremony was attended by numerous members of the Salesian Family, including priests, religious and committed lay people and the Provincial of Venezuela, Fr Rafael Montenegro. In addition, the participation of a large number of young people who are the center of the Salesian mission, has made this event a true celebration of  vocation and love for the Lord.

Catania, Italy – September 2024 - On 1 September, the Assembly for the start of the pastoral year was held in Catania for all the Educative and Pastoral Communities (EPCs) in the Salesian Province of Sicily (ISI), involving 200 people including SDB, Laity and young people. Fr Alberto Anzalone, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, presented the material published by the Youth Ministry Sector of the Salesian Congregation on the Oratory-Youth Centre. Fr Antonio Lauretta, in charge of the Gela Youth Centre Oratory, presented the educative and pastoral proposal through the experience of Fr Elio Cesari, Director of the National Centre and Secretary of the CISI, and the Cannizzaro family, Roberto and Giulia, Salesian Cooperators and educators of the lay-run St Philip Neri Oratory. In the afternoon, after discussion of the various EPC Councils on the educative and pastoral model of the OCG, the Councillor for Youth Ministry of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Sicily, Sr. Maria Grazia Tripi, presented the pastoral proposal of Salesian Italy for the new year: "Awaited by his Love. Joyful in Hope”. At the end, Fr Franco Di Natale, Vice-Provincial, presented the programming sheet for Formation and YM. Finally, 4 young people who participated in the Salesian Youth Synod, recounted their experience in the SYM, expressing a great sense of belonging to the Movement which in 2025 will be celebrating fifty years in Sicily since its foundation. The day ended with Holy Mass celebrated by the Provincial, Fr Giovanni D’Andrea.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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