Turin, Italy – September 2024 - The members of the 155th missionary expedition have reached their final preparations before the missionary send-off on 29 September in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. On Saturday, at sunset, they will receive the final transfer letter to their new Province with effect from 29 September. After dinner on 28 September they will have a meeting with the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio, and with the Mother General of the FMA, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, together with the FMA missionaries. "We continue to accompany them with our prayer," said Fr Alfred Maravilla, General Councillor for the Missions.
Fusagasugá, Colombia – September 2024 - The annual Formation Commission meeting for the Interamerica Region has been taking place from 23 to 28 September, at the Salesianum House of Spirituality, located in Fusagasugá, belonging to the St Peter Claver Province of Bogotá (COB). The meeting is being chaired by Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation, and involves 12 delegates from the region, as well as representatives from the formation centres in Quito, Cresco and Berkeley. In an atmosphere of fraternity and joy, the participants are addressing key issues related to the formation of the Salesians of Don Bosco. One of the main points is the search for strategies to make the new "Ratio" known, a document that includes the fundamental principles and norms for Salesian formation. In addition to spreading knowledge of this important text, they are reflecting on the challenges and opportunities in formation of Salesians, especially in the Interamerica Region. During the meeting, the participantsl have the opportunity to visit the Agricultural Technical Institute of Valsálice and Agua de Dios, where the remains of Blessed Luis Variara rest. This meeting not only strengthens the bonds between the Provinces of the Region, but also offers moments of unity, fraternity and friendship between the representatives of the different Salesian presences in America.
Umiam, India – September 2024 – "Youth Involve", an initiative of the Bosco Institute in Jorhat, celebrated its tenth anniversary and commemorated the Bicentennial of the Dream at Nine Years of Age, giving rise to an event held from 17 to 19 September in Siloam, Umiam, under the theme "Live your dream". Twenty-six young social entrepreneurs, leading as many projects and social initiatives from Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland, and their Salesian and lay mentors, gathered for three days to share experiences and insights and learn from successes, failures and challenges, through presentations, exhibitions, conversations, reflections and group activities. One of the main moments was the pilgrimage to the Don Bosco Shrine, in Sohra, where the young people came into contact with Don Bosco's dream and reflected on how the Saint of the Young left a mark on their lives. The three days of celebrations ended at the "Pool of Siloam", where Don Jerry Thomas, initiator of "Youth Involve", urged the group to let go, symbolically, into the pool what wounds and paralyzes them and to take what would reinvigorate and nourish them in their journey. He finally invited young people to see what hurt them not as cracks, but as windows that can help them look inside, feel connected to each other and supported.
Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy – September 2024 – From 19 to 22 September, "Camp 4" took place at Colle Don Bosco: a moment of retreat and formation for young people aged 18 to 29. Within the week, on Saturday 21 September, the Assembly of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) was held which involved the Rectors of the Salesian houses in Piedmont and Val d 'Aosta, Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and young people sharing responsibility for the mission of the Salesian houses. In his speech to the Assembly, Pierluigi Dovis, President of Caritas Turin, addressed two central themes: the need for an intergenerational community and the important role of young people. In his conclusion, he invited young people to live their faith as a collective path, made of mutual accompaniment and sharing. Immediately after, a large amount of personal reflection and sharing time was dedicated to small groups and a space for questions. Dovis concluded with an invitation to hope, perceived as a living force, nourished by the certainty that God's love is addressed to each one and welcomes human imperfections and limitations. "Camp 4" then ended with the pilgrimage to Chieri, on Sunday 22nd.