Bolivia - First meeting of SYM and VTC 2022
Cochabamba, Bolivia - July 2022 - On July 1 and 2 at the Salesian Work "Don Bosco - Fátima," the first meeting of the year of the youth of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) and Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) of Bolivia was held. The event was attended by about 50 people from Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Sucre, La Paz, and El Alto. On the first day, the Salesians had in meeting with the Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry (YM) to define the working lines around the regional and local delegate's functions manual from the Salesian YM manual. The youth received training on the historical processes of SYM in Bolivia and the Salesian Charism during 2000-2021. Similarly, VTC facilitators and technicians also reflected on the historical gaze according to the Framework. In the afternoon, workshops were held focusing on: Sacraments, Salvation History, Don Bosco Preventive System, and Transversal Competencies. In the evening, participants experienced a time of adoration, confessions, and an associative activity to awaken creativity according to Salesian pedagogy. On the last day, the student directives of the VTCs were formed in a Salesian key and the manual of functions and programming of the SYM regions was reviewed to better collaborate with these sectors and environments in their Salesian identity and in co-responsibility with lay educators according to the Provincial Organic Plan and the Salesian Provincial Pastoral Educational Project 2021-2026. The goal thus was to take steps in Pastoral and Educational Synergy among the sectors and environments of social service for at-risk youth.
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- Bolivia - Training young people at Salesian Vocational Training Centers in Bolivia for a dignified and sustainable future
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