Could you present your charism and ‘Salesian contemplative mission’?
Our charism is expressed in synthesis in our name ‘Contemplative Fraternity of Mary of Nazareth’:
Fraternity: we are a spiritual movement, with complementary ‘states of life’ (consecrated men and women, priests, lay adults or youth). Fraternity, fraternal love, charity is the thermometer of the contemplation of how we like to live.
Contemplative: we want to live union with God 24/7. In order to make our own this lifestyle, we cannot go without prayer, liturgy and sacraments. But following the model of Don Bosco we aim to make our whole life a liturgy. ‘It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me’ – it is no longer I who am acting, but Christ who works in me.
Mary of Nazareth: our model is Mary! Nobody lived in union with God more than Mary did – contemplation in her daily life at Nazareth.
What does ‘Salesian consecrated secularity’ mean for you?
For us ‘Nazarenes’ secularity is part of our charism: to bring the contemplative tradition of the Church into the streets, like Don Bosco did during the time of the Industrial Revolution and technical civilization. I think that consecrated secularity is letting the Risen Christ act in our daily life, as He did in Don Bosco's life not only in prayer times, but also during games, work, in his way of speaking and being with his boys, or in study time.
What is your contribution in the Salesian Family?
For us to be part of the Salesian Family is a great gift. We would simply like to strengthen within the Church and the contemplative dimension of baptismal consecration within the Salesian Family.
Website of the Contemplative Fraternity (Spanish-Italian-Czech language):
Source: AustraLasia