Thailand – “Starting with a deep sense of support and communion”

(ANS – Bangkok) – Fr. John Bosco Thepharat Pitisant was installed as the new Provincial of Thailand on 2nd February 2017. He was provincial earlier from 2005 to 2011. Recently he spent five days in the Generalate “to get the Road Map”.  Now he shares his experience. 

How do you feel after appointment as new - old provincial?

I was really very much surprised when I got the phone call from the Rector Major. After a short period of prayer I said yes to the Successor of Don Bosco with serenity and trust in God’s guidance. I’m already 66 years and never expected this new call. During past one month I'm slowly getting accustomed to this new mission.

How was your time in the house of the Rector Major?

I spent five days in the ‘Pisana’ sharing the daily life with the Rector Major and his councilors. I had a personal talk with Rector major - Fr. Ángel, Fr. Cereda and 5 councilors for the sectors (Formation, Youth Ministry, Social Communication, Missions, Economy). For the whole time I felt supported and accompanied. It was a very good time of listening and talking, very useful before starting again as a provincial. In the same time were present other 3 new provincials of Ireland, India Tiruchy and India Chennai.

What do you bring back home after this first meeting with the Rector Major?

I brought to the General House some typical Thai snacks and fruit but I’m leaving with a luggage full of heavy books, that I received during past few days from the General Councilors. Just before departure I got from the post office a new version of the Salesian Crucifix (Good Shepherd) for our rectors. Last Wednesday I met in the personal talk with the Rector Major and received the Road Map 2017-2023 for the animation and government in our province. It’s a simple, clear and challenging tool based on the result of the consultation conducted last November by the EAO regional councilor.

How do you feel at the beginning of your service of authority as new provincial?

I thought especially about the importance of our Lay Mission Partners and Salesian Family. Large numbers of Don Bosco Past Pupils in Thailand should be more explored and animated. Although very few among them are Catholic but they love Don Bosco very much and are a huge resource for our mission, especially for the poor young people. We need to help them open their vision to the worldwide Salesian community.

Before my departure for Rome everybody was asking: 'Why do you go there?”. And I was telling to everybody "To get my Road Map from the Rector Major". And now i got it. Among the twelve points are many challenging priorities: formation as a priority, foster shared mission with the lay people, accompany the young Cambodia Delegation etc. I feel that with the support of the confreres and with accompaniment of the Rector Major we can move along this Road.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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