East Timor – “My missionary vocation is the best gift I have received”

(ANS – Laga) – “When I think about the beginning of my missionary vocation, I recall always how, as a child, my mother used to call me to do something: ‘Please come and do this or that.’ Whenever mom called I would stop whatever I was doing and I would try my best to do what she asked me to do. My missionary vocation is similar to this call at a certain moment of my life.”

by Fr José Dwight San Juan,

Filipino, Salesian missionary

I remember that as a postnovice I had asked to be sent to the missions. 3 of my companions were sent to Papua New Guinea but I was not. This made me ask myself several times, “Why was I not sent?” Yet, I always nurtured my missionary vocation. I kept alive the missionary fervour burning in my heart by giving my very best in all the tasks assigned to me as a practical trainee and then as a student of theology.

Finally, in my final year of theology, my Rector informed me that I had received a double gift: my application for ordination to the priesthood had been accepted positively and that I would be sent as a missionary to Timor Leste. But my missionary vocation was immediately tested by fire. In 1992 I arrived in Timor when there was a very strong movement for independence from Indonesia.

Actually, it was a miracle that I was given the permission to enter Timor but, when we respond to God’s call, He takes care of the rest. Soon civil unrest broke out and many of our houses were burnt. My Provincial asked me to accompany our people who were fleeing the violence that was engulfing the country. There was total chaos. We lost contact with everyone. Some confreres even thought I was already dead and had offered masses for my eternal repose! I lived for months with Timorese refugees in Australia. But I never doubted God’s loving protection for us all.

Through the years I have faced so many difficult and even life-threatening situations but I never regretted being a missionary. I initially thought that being a missionary meant preaching, teaching, etc. After 25 years I now realise that being missionary is more about patience, humility and kindness. Often times I would meet people whom I do not even recognise and they would tell me: “thank you for helping me come closer to the Lord” because I had ministered to them as young people so many years back!

Indeed, I can really say that my Salesian priestly and missionary vocation is the best gift I have received from our merciful God. When God calls us we should not be afraid to respond. He will take care of the rest!


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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