Present yourself?
My name is MINO NOMENJANAHARY FRANCOIS. A young Malagasy Salesian from the Vice-Province of Madagascar, which includes Madagascar and Mauritius. I come from the precisely from the capital of Madagascar, Antananarivo.
What inspired you to choose to become a missionary?
This is a pertinent and profound question that still haunts me. Frankly, even now, it's difficult to answer this question. It's beyond our understanding because we've entered the realm of faith. All the same, I'm going to answer this pertinent question. God, who is loving and merciful, is undoubtedly the inspirer of this vocation. It is he who calls whom he wills. I'm sure that it was God who inspired me to make this choice through the people, the reality, the different circumstances and above all through my daily encounter with God. When God asked Isaiah "Whom shall I send?", he replied "Here I am, send me". As a Salesian religious, I make these words my own by saying to the congregation: “here I am, send me”.
Are you happy with where you're going? Do you have any fears or inhibitions about the new place, the culture and the people?
I'm happy even if I have fears. I hope to meet the challenges that lie ahead with God's help. It's true that it's not easy to leave your country, family and loved ones behind. But I can do anything with the one who strengthens us. As a Mino, I'm a Malagasy citizen. But as a Salesian, I'm an inhabitant of the world. Where there is Christ, there is also my homeland.
How did your family, friends and confreres react when you spoke about your missionary vocation?
It wasn't easy to deal with people's reactions to my missionary vocation. But as I explained it to them, and thanks be to God, they came to accept it. I'd also like to thank my parents, who gave me their blessing even though I'm their eldest son and the only boy in my family.
What are your plans and dreams for your life as a missionary?
My plan and my dream is to see the place where I'm going flourish and grow in numbers and quality. I will do all that is possible for the salvation of souls, especially the poor young people.
Do you have in mind any models of great missionaries whose lifestyle you would like to follow?
My missionary models are Jesus the Good Shepherd and Saint Paul the Apostle. Our great martyrs Callisto Caravario and Luigi Versiglia are also great figures not to be forgotten.
What is your message to young people about choosing a missionary vocation?
My friends, don't be afraid to give your life for others. Even if you think "I'm good for nothing", it doesn't matter. All you have to do is make yourself available for the Lord, because happy is the one who offers his youth for the Lord's service.