RMG - The missionaries of the 154th Salesian Missionary Expedition: Lyonnel Richie Éric Bouanga, from the Republic of Congo (ACC) to Papua New Guinea (PGS)

(ANS - Rome) - Papua New Guinea must seem really far away when seen from the Republic of Congo. Or at least, so it must have been for the family of Lyonnel Richie Éric Bouanga, one of the missionaries of the 154th Salesian Missionary Expedition. Yet, there is no distance that this young Congolese man would not cover to fulfil his mission  to proclaim Christ and serve his brothers in missionary service ad gentes. That is why, convinced even by his family, he can now set off with joy and conviction towards his destination. 

1) Present yourself?

I'm Lyonnel Richie Éric BOUANGA, 28 years old, from the Africa Congo-Congo Province (ACC). I'm currently being sent as a missionary to Papua New Guinea in the PGS Province. Originally from the town of Pointe-Noire in the Republic of Congo, I was born into a Christian family of four children, three boys and one girl. I'm the youngest in my family. I am so glad to go as a missionary ad gentes.  

2) What inspired you to choose to become a missionary?

Having grown up in a Salesian and missionary environment, my motivation for choosing the missionary life was the closeness of the Salesians of that time whom I met and frequented. Their approach always left me curious to know more about missionary life and to interiorize it. I would say that the idea of the missionary vocation lay dormant in me until the post-novitiate, then at the end of the first year, after personal discernment, I had to declare my missionary availability to the superiors.

3) Are you happy with where you are going? Do you have any fears or inhibitions about the new place, culture and people?

I welcomed the announcement of my new mission land with faith and joy, because the discernment of the superiors is the channel through which we can see the will of God, who always wants us to fulfil our vocation. I'm happy to go to this multicultural place where confreres come from the four corners of the world. I'm sure I'll find confreres who will welcome me with open arms and with whom I can share life together, a tabernacle where I can recharge my batteries with God and a creative courtyard where I can be in constant contact with those I serve. It's true, I'm going to a place where everything will be new to me, like the languages, the way of life, and so many other surprises. My priority is to get in and learn in every way, so as to make a fruitful mission in this land.

4) How did your family members, friends and confreres react when you told them about your missionary vocation?

The reactions from everywhere have been encouraging, starting with my family, who encouraged me to persevere. It's just that when I told them where I was going, my mum and my sister reacted as follows: How did you manage to end up in a place where you don't know anyone? Where is Papua New Guinea? We had to have a little catechesis to make them understand this choice.

5) What are your plans and dreams for your missionary life?

My dream is to go and share the joy of the Gospel with young people to win their souls, while relying on the charism of our founder to make them good Christians and honest citizens. Being in the midst of young people while being attentive to the most vulnerable and their needs.

6) Can you think of any models of great missionaries whose lifestyle you would like to follow?

First of all, Jesus Christ, the model par excellence of mission, who travelled through many skies to evangelise. And, as I mentioned above, there are several Salesians I've had the good fortune to know, but one whose lifestyle has made a great impression on me is Fr. Valentino Favarro, a simple confrere who was very dynamic in his apostolate to prisoners.

7) What is your message to young people about choosing a missionary vocation?

The only message I can share with young people is to know how to listen for a better discernment by listening to our conscience, the word of God, the teaching of the Church, the Holy Spirit and by asking for advice from the human mediators that God places on our pathways, in order to freely commit to their choice of life without hesitation because, "if anyone wants to follow me, let him renounce himself". Jesus said (Matthew 16, 24).



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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