Good to know
ADMA: Some data to remember on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the foundation
The Association of Mary Help of Christians was founded on 18 April 1869.
It was the Archbishop of Turin, Mons. Alessandro Ottaviani Riccardi, who decreed the canonical establishment of the Association.
It is the second group of the Salesian Family founded by Don Bosco.
World Day against Child Slavery: 9 million children are in chains
April 16 is World Day against Child Slavery. The date was chosen in memory of the murder of the young Pakistani Iqbal Masih, killed at the age of 12 for having rebelled against his life of slavery.
Today in the world:
- 158 million children are forced to work, 73,000 in dangerous conditions;
- 1 million children work in mines or construction sites;
- 9 million are reduced to slavery.
The Salesian presence in the world
The Salesians are present in 132 countries.
There are:
14,614 confreres (128 bishops, 14,056 professed and 430 novices)
1392 coadjutor brothers
28 permanent deacons