Good to know
What you need to know about the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Christus Vivit"
It is the fourth Apostolic Exhortation written by Pope Francis.
299 numbers
56 citations
9 chapters
Vatican Council II, documents of Pope Francis, speeches and messages of the Popes
St. Paul VI, St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI
Inequality in the world: some data to think about
Starting today in Rome is the World Consultation on Marginalization and Youth at Risk. Below, some data on poverty and inequality in the world, to be re-read for this event:
- 3.4 billion people in the world still live on less than $ 5.50 a day.
- Of these, 2.4 billion people are to be considered "extremely poor", according to the poverty parameters reviewed by the World Bank.
- Around the world, around 10,000 people die every day due to lack of access to health services.
- 262 million children have no access to education.
- 82% of the net wealth increase between March 2016 and March 2017 went to the richest 1% of the global population, while 3.7 billion people received nothing.
Sources: Caritas Rome, Oxfam
5 things to know about the Salesian Cooperators
- It is one of the groups of the Salesian Family founded by Don Bosco
- The Holy See approved the Association of Salesian Cooperators in 1876
- The association currently has about 30,000 members
- They are present in 11 regions of the world
- The current world coordinator is Antonio Boccia, elected in 2018
Presented, the data of 2019 Pontifical Yearbook and "Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae 2017"
Data from the 2019 Pontifical Yearbook:
4 new Episcopal offices have been erected, a diocese has been elevated to Metropolitan See, 4 Apostolic Exarchas to Eparchies and 1 Apostolic Administration to Diocese.
Statistical data of the Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae 2017:
- Out of a world population of 7,408 million, baptized Catholics number 1,313 million or 17.7%, distributed as follows: 48.5% in America, 21.8% in Europe, 17.8% in Africa, 11.1% in Asia and 0.8% in Oceania.
- The apostolic forces (priests and pastoral workers) number 4,666,073 people, with a growth of 0.5% compared to 2016.
- There are 115,328 candidates for the priesthood, with a decrease of 0.7% compared to 2016.