Córdoba, Argentina – December 2016 – From December 9th to 11th, there was in Córdoba the encounter of the Salesian Brothers of the Province “Blessed Artemide Zatti”, of Argentina North.
Ponte Nova, Brazil – December 2016 – On December 11th, in the parish “São Pedro”, Salesian Deacon José Paulino de Godoy Júnior was ordained a priest during the Eucharistic celebration that was presided over by the Archbishop of Mariana, Msgr. Geraldo Lyrio Rocha, in the presence of the Provincial of Belo Horizonte (BBH), Fr. Orestes Fistarol.
Guwahati, India – December 2016 – On December 5th, the “Don Bosco Youth Mission and Educational Services” (DBYES) celebrated the 25 years of service for the education and development of the young. During the celebrations, in which civil and religious authorities took part, the former Prime Minister of the State of Assam, Mr. Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, presented an award to Sr Elizabeth George, FMA Provincial, and to Fr. Thomas Vattathara, SDB Provincial, of Guwahati for the social service rendered by “DBYES”.
Nairobi, Kenya – December 2016 – The Salesian House “Bosco Boys” of Nairobi celebrated the awarding of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education to their 21 students; 18 of these obtained higher than average notes, and this is a slight improvement in comparison with the last two years and given the fact that many of these pupils were street children and never been to school, this is a good achievement.
Madrid, Spain – December 2016 – On December 12th, a collaboration agreement was signed by José Miguel Solans Nerín of “Schneider Electric” and by Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy, Provincial of the Salesians of “Santiago el Mayor”. The agreement envisages that “Schneider Electric”, a company specialised in energy management, provide the formation of the professors of the Salesian Centres of Vocational Training in the fields of electricity and electronics. The schools of Vocational Training of the Salesians in Spain are 53, with about 25.000 students and 1.800 professors.
Ponta Grossa, Brazil – December 10th, 2016 – On December 10th, in the community of the Parish “Our Lady Help of Christians” there was the priestly ordination of Salesian confrère Jeferson Junio Moreira. The celebration was presided over by Msgr. José Valmor Cesar Teixeira, SDB, bishop of São José dos Campos, and was concelebrated by Fr. Asídio Deretti, Provincial of Porto Alegre.