Córdoba, Argentina - March 2018 - The inter-provincial post-novitiate "Blessed Michael Rua" of Córdoba began its formation activities for Salesians from various provinces: Argentina North (ARN) and South (ARS), Chile (CIL) and Uruguay (URU). The 2018 community is made up of 18 Salesians with temporary vows - 1 from ARS, 9 from ARN, 4 from CIL and 4 from URU – and 5 Salesian perpetual professions.
Fianarantsoa, Madagascar - March 2018 - From February 27 to March 6, the Provincial of the Vice Province of Madagascar, Fr Charles Armand Randimbisoa, visited the Salesian "St John Bosco" center of Fianarantsoa. The center, directed by Fr Giuseppe Miele, assisted by five other Salesians, consists of a post-novitiate, a Salesian Center for Studies and Research, a parish, oratory, Youth Center, Project for young people in difficulty, and a vocational training center.
Turin, Italy - March 2018 - On 3 and 4 March, a two-day event dedicated to learning, artistic expression and sharing took place in Valdocco: "Anima SYM 2018", the path for young people aged between 16 and 25 aimed at promoting youth leadership in the oratories; now in its second edition, its main ingredient of Salesianity focussed on: Happiness. 22 professionals animated as many workshops involving 219 young animators in a process of experimentation in the many declinations in the art of animating groups: scenography, theater, video editing, juggling, balancing, stage animation with dances, group games, and related; their aim: to empower children towards acquiring greater skills and a wealth of activities for enriching their own experience and that of their oratory of origin. For the complete list of workshops, click here. Video
Pune, India - March 2018 - On 3 March a delegate of the Spanish NGO "Manos Unidas" visited the "Education and Development Project of Women" carried out by the "Don Bosco Development Society" (DBDS) and aimed at women of the Pune slums. On this occasion a free medical camp was organized in the slums of Indira Nagar during which 183 people were visited by doctors and paramedics of the Aundh hospital. Fr Rolvin D'Mello, SDB, Director of DBDS, thanked "Manos Unidas" for the support offered. Subsequently, the delegate of "Manos Unidas" also met with 50 women, including beneficiaries and self-help groups.
Havana, Cuba - March 4, 2018 - With the aim of promoting the formation of young animators in the Salesian centers in Cuba, the members of the Youth Ministry team met various people who in the past years participated in the Youth Animators Formation Program (PROFAJ, in Spanish). During the working sessions, the program's proposals were reviewed, adapting them to the current state of Cuban youth, and it was established that the first formation stage would take place in April. The PROFAJ experience has remained suspended in Cuba for over ten years and now SDB, FMA and Salesian Cooperators are putting their full efforts to ensure that the young people selected collaborate in their communities and motivate others to continue the Salesian work in the country.
Dili, East Timor - March 2018 - From 5 to 9 March, the annual meeting of the Provincials of the Provinces, Vice Provinces and Delegations of East Asia and Oceania takes place in Dili. The central theme of the meeting, presided over by Fr Václav Klement, Councilor for the East Asia-Oceania Region, is the accompaniment of the Provincial processes for the growth of the Salesian charism.