Senegal – "Beteya Guinar" Boutique opened in Tambacounda: an innovative and sustainable project by Don Bosco 2000

29 August 2024

(ANS – Tambacounda) – The official opening of the "Beteya Guinar" Boutique, a new point of sale dedicated to the distribution of chickens, the result of the  cooperation project promoted by the Don Bosco 2000 Association and co-funded by the Fondazione Opere Don Bosco nel Mondo in Lugano and the Fondazione Opere Don Bosco nel Mondo in Milan, was held on 28 August in Tambacounda, Senegal. The opening ceremony was presided over by the Provincial of the Salesians in Sicily, Fr Giovanni D'Andrea, on mission in Senegal, in the presence of the President of the Don Bosco 2000 Association, Agostino Sella.

The boutique represents the culmination of an ambitious project started with the aim of creating a complete supply chain for the production and sale of locally raised chickens in the development projects that the Don Bosco 2000 association has been carrying out since 2016. The project, which is part of the strategy to combat irregular migration and involving cooperation for the new generations of Senegalese, involved three young Senegalese at risk of emigration, offering them a real opportunity for training in Italy and a stable job upon their return to Senegal.

During the opening, Fr Giovanni D'Andrea stressed the importance of projects like this for the sustainable development of local communities, while Agostino Sella highlighted the success achieved in making the project economically self-sufficient. Thanks to the innovative model introduced, the young people involved are now able to independently manage the point of sale, guaranteeing a stable future for themselves and their families.

The "Beteya Guinar" boutique, located in Via Medina Coura in Tambacounda, offers high quality products thanks to the implementation of the cold chain, a significant novelty for the local context. In addition, the initiative has introduced innovative forms of sales such as spit chicken, which have already met with great success among local consumers. The event ended with refreshments offered to all participants, during which the commitment of the Don Bosco 2000 Association to continue supporting similar projects in other regions of Senegal was reiterated, thus contributing to the economic and social development of the country.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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