Brazil – "Artisan Bakery" Project at CESAM DF: an opportunity for professional formation and social transformation of the community

13 August 2024

Brasília, Brazil – August 2024 – The CESAM-DF Salesian social work located in Brasilia  carried out the first day of the "Artisanal Bakery" project on Saturday, 3 August, a valuable initiative conceived by the Second Lady of Brazil, Lu Alckmin, wife of Vice President Geraldo Alckmin. The opening event of the project at CESAM-DF was attended by 20 people, who directly benefited from training in the bakery. The course included a theoretical presentation, which identified the essential hygienic practices, and a practical phase in the kitchen during which the participants, in a collaborative and educational environment, learned to handle the ingredients and produce a variety of breads such as wholemeal bread, loaf and beetroot bread. Lu Alckmin, founder of the project, was present at the conclusion ceremony, and presented certificates of participation to the graduates. The course, which is free and lasts 8 hours, will be held on a single day, with classes of up to 20 people, once a month throughout the year. The "Artisanal Bakery" project is now expanding with the aim of forming families in situations of social vulnerability, offering a new source of income and opportunities for personal and community transformation. Begun in 2000, it has been responsible for creating 10,000 artisan bakeries and training over 100,000 people.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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