The author, Fr Verhulst, chose to devote himself to the study of Fr Francesco Scaloni, a recognised Salesian open to tackling modernity. He presented the fruit of his efforts at an event organised by the Salesian Historical Institute (ISS) in collaboration with the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Don Bosco Study Centre at the UPS.
The presentation was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Fr Antonio Dellagiulia, who stressed the importance of Scaloni in dealing with progress in the humanities, in particular psychology and sociology applied to the education and formation of young people. Fr Scaloni stood out for his courage in addressing issues that were neglected at the time in the Salesian environment, such as those related to affectivity, sexuality and youthful passions, crucial for the holistic growth of the individual.
The first speaker, Fr William John Dickson, an expert in Salesian history in Great Britain and South Africa, highlighted Scaloni’s originality in adapting to contrasting cultures (he worked in Italian, French, Belgian, English, Irish, South African and Congolese environments), a distinctive trait compared to many of his contemporaries. His adaptation to local cultures contrasted sharply, in fact, with the prevailing trend of the Salesian Congregation, which at the time sought to replicate the culture and religious practice of Piedmont at the end of the 19th century.
Fr Didier Tapsoba, a lecturer in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, explored Scaloni’s openness to society, placing him within the broader context of Salesian activity. In a context of the spread of communism and anti-Christian socialism among the working class bodies frequented by the Salesians and their young people, Scaloni diligently addressed the issue of social economy, also contributing to the application of the Encyclical Rerum Novarum among the Salesians and their students.
The Director of the ISS, Fr Thomas Anchukandam, dealt with Sccaloni’s skills in governance. He highlighted how his direct closeness to Don Bosco and his first Successors (Frs Rua, Albera and Rinaldi), combined with the promotion of personal formation and shared responsibility, characterised his style of governance, marked by “gentle firmness and firm gentleness.” In addition, he also highlighted his concern for vocations and his activities to promote good press.
Fr Ferdinand Kalengayi Kalengayi Wa, also a lecturer in the Faculty of Education Sciences, highlighted Scaloni’s importance in the education and formation of young people in the light of scientific advances, spreading new knowledge in the psychological field. Scaloni also confronted Freud’s theories and addressed the issue of sexuality, at the time considered taboo among Salesian educators.
For his part, the Vice-Rector of the UPS, Fr Michal Vojtaš, summarised the figure of Scaloni, underlining the attention, respect and cultural openness of the countries where new works were opened. Scaloni – he explained – did not try to rigidly replicate Valdocco’s style, but showed a modern spirit, while remaining firm in unconditional adherence to gospel values.
At the culmination of this event there were a few brief words from Fr Verhulst, the author of the study, who thanked the organisers and stressed that Fr Scaloni’s life also saw various disappointments and struggles, but that he knew how to face them in a positive way.
Finally, Fr Stanisław Zimniak, a member of the ISS, spoke and concluded the afternoon of studies by stating that the event sought to be a tribute from the ISS to Fr Verhulst, who has contributed in an excellent way to the knowledge of Salesian history with his research, and that for this reason it is right to describe him as “one of the greatest historians of the Congregation.”