
Manila, Philippines - June 2016 - Jayson Supan is a 27 year old Filipino engineer who has been working for the past six years at the Porsche Centre at Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. As a result of his work he was able to buy a new home for his family in Manila, where previously he lived in a small hut. Jayson is one of the beneficiaries of the "Porsche Centre for Recruitment and Training in Asia" (PCRTA), a joint project between the automotive company and the Don Bosco Technical Institute in Manila. Since 2017 the PCRTA has substantially increased the scope of its activities, and the number of students accepted each year has grown from 32 to 145.

Lins, Brazil - 16 June 2016 - To celebrate Environment Day, the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the Salesian University in Lins, Sao Paulo. The students have planted 425 seedlings of different species of trees native to the area. This operation is part of an environmental project designed by the Salesian University to compensate for the destruction of some trees which had become necessary for the construction of new facilities for the campus.

Nazareth, Israel - July 2016 - The summer camp at the Don Bosco centre in Nazareth opened on Monday 4 July with the motto "joy and mercy." It caters for over 200 children and the number continues to increase with each passing day. They are accompanied by 70 leaders under the care of the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. The theme of the camp is being studied taking as model the figure of Jonah going to preach conversion to the people of Nineveh.

(ANS - Argenteuil) - An exceptional project and one that is counter-current: to unite twelve young people - Christians, Jews, Muslims, and "no religion" - on the same subject, "mercy", and to show in various verses that another world is possible. This is the scope of the video, directed last May by the Salesian Benjamin Dewitte Dubrana who was ordained priest on 25 June in Pontoise.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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