Spiritual Accompaniment. An educational and spiritual journey with young people in the way of Don Bosco
In evidenza

31 Ottobre 2018

Spiritual accompaniment and discernment played a key role both in pedagogy and in the history of the Salesian family. St Francis de Sales and Don Bosco were great spiritual directors of their time. Their expertise in this area is evident in their practice and thought.

This publication, edited by Fabio Attard SDB, General Councillor for Youth Ministry, and Miguel Angel Garcia SDB, is the result of four study seminars held between 2010 and 2014, which were a response to the request to deepen and relaunch the service of spiritual harmony as an essential component of Salesian Youth Ministry. The topics addressed provide a space for reflection on today’s challenges, with a historical, pedagogical and spiritual approach. Throughout the various reports, many questions have been debated which can help in the service of Salesian spiritual and vocational accompaniment, with particular attention to the accompaniment of young people. In these pages, we can find pastoral guidelines and operative proposals to develop new plans for spiritual accompaniment.

Don Bosco Publications

Further Information


ANS - "Agenzia iNfo Salesiana" - è un periodico plurisettimanale telematico, organo di comunicazione della Congregazione Salesiana, iscritto al Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Roma, n. 153/2007.

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