RMG – The last "CaglieroLIFE" video of 2021 and a new logo for 2022

10 December 2021

(ANS - Rome) - As has become tradition, around the 11th of the month, the monthly commemoration of the First Missionary Sending, the Sector for Missions has released a new video from the "CaglieroLIFE" series. The theme for December is that of testimony. But this is not the only novelty that comes from the Missions: in fact, from 2022 the Sector will be equipped with a new logo.

2021, which saw the birth of the new missionary animation column of the "CaglieroLIFE", closes with the last video in this series that makes us reflect on an extremely topical issue for anyone who intends to be a missionary of the Gospel today: the importance of being credible, as well as to be believers. The brief visual provocation, in fact, reminds us that it is authenticity, a "prophetic" life, because it is worthy of trust, and the coherence between what one believes and how one acts that truly characterize the Christian, more than a mere theoretical knowledge of the faith or of the catechism. “PROCLAIMING CHRIST IS TO LIVE WITH CHRIST” is the central message of this month's video.

Produced in collaboration with the French Salesian initiative "Don Bosco Intuition Entertainers Media" (DBIEM - www.dbiem.org), the video is available, like all the previous ones, in five languages, on the YouTube channel of the Sector for Salesian Missions, on the website www.sdb.org, and on the Facebook page of the Sector for the Salesian Missions.

Meanwhile, with its gaze already turned to the coming year, the Missions Sector has already unveiled its new logo, simple in representation, but at the same time full of meanings.

On a white background, the characteristic silhouette of the Salesian cross stands out, to represent the person of Jesus and Salesianity together, and as a frame to everything else; in the center, there are 5 flames, which due to their shape also resemble as many figures of men. Each colored differently (blue, red, white, yellow, green), they represent the internationality of the Congregation, through the representation of the 5 Continents, and the centrality of the human person in every missionary initiative.

Together, however, as an image of fire that burns, they also recall many other messages: the fire of the charism, animated by the flame of the Holy Spirit; the burning bush of the inextinguishable love of God the Father; and, finally, also the five mysteries of the Rosary, the "sweet chain" that binds to Mary, the great missionary.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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