The community was established in February 2017 by the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) and by six European education and vocational training associations (EfVET, EVBB, EVTA, EUCEN, EUproVET and EURASHE) to integrate the work of the Platform for European Association of VET Provider, created by the Directorate-General for Employment in 2015 to offer advice to the policies of the European Commission.
Representing the Salesian institutions were Ivan Toscano, from the Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane – Formazione Aggiornamento Professionale (CNOS-FAP), the Salesian vocational training provider in Italy, and Belén Otegui, from the “Pinardi” Federation of Salesian Social Platforms, of Spain.
The objectives of the community of experts include cooperation, reciprocal learning, selection of good practices and preparation of a practical document that offers guidance on the issues of the highest priority. The ultimate goal is to prepare the community of vocational training centers and learning providers for future commitments and to increase the impact of European cooperation on technical and vocational training.
In his opening remarks, Loukas Zahilas, Cedefop Head of Department for VET Systems and Institutions, emphasized the importance of cooperation and exchange between institutions. Then João Santos, Deputy Head of the Vocational Training Unit of the European Commission, presented the Commission's initiatives in the field of education.
Subsequently, group work focussed on three themes:
- The challenge of learning with enhanced technical means (Technology Enhanced Learning or TEL): how to strengthen digital skills.
- European mobility: how to promote learning and employment through participation in mobility projects under the "Erasmus+" program.
- Migration: how to foster individual development and social inclusion of migrants through learning, access to public education, social services, decent housing and job start-up.
The CNOSFAP and the Pinardi Federation took part in the migration work group, where they presented the problems encountered and the good practices developed in the field of VET in Italy and Spain.