The Agricultural Technical Institute of Lombriasco is part of the Salesian center of Lombriasco, which also includes the secondary school (middle school), the boarding school for internist students, the oratory-youth center, the parish and a center for vocational training courses.
Like all educational centers, in recent months it has had to readjust to new needs; and it was able to do this by exhibiting several typical features of the Salesian schools: professionalism, creativity and humanity.
Professionalism, because distance learning, even for an institution that necessarily requires direct and inevitable contact with nature, was a success. And the proof came at the end of June, when the final exams ended: a test that confirmed the good general level of preparation of young people called to specialize further in university or to enter the work field, and especially for the two boys who graduated with a score of 100/100 and even more for the female student who received the highest mark, 100/100 con lode, additional praise over her perfect score.
Creativity, because in a sector in recovery and expansion, such as the agri-food sector in Italy, the Salesian institute has started the collection of various ancient varieties of wheat, sown in experimental plots of land. Considering that the competition with other nations, from the quantitative point of view, is not possible, in the "Belpaese", Italy, the cultivation of wheat has for some years now sought and focussed on the choice of varieties capable of guaranteeing increased quality. This is why the Salesian Agricultural School of Lombriasco reserves a section of experimental fields for tests on ancient wheat varieties that have been rediscovered and recovered.
Finally, solidarity is what is amply shown by the institute towards the most needy among its students. Starting from June, the school has carried out a fundraising campaign among past pupils, families, and benefactors to help families who struggle to match tuition fees, allow other families to access Salesian education next year and encourage the restart of lessons safely. So far, over 2,500 Euros have already been collected.
In the Salesian school, relationships are put first and the service rendered is appreciated by the whole community. And given that this year, due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the traditional pilgrimage of the educational community to Colle Don Bosco was not possible, the commitment is to do so as soon as possible to meet for a moment of celebration together with families.