(ANS - Rome) - Students of mechanics, electricians, graphics, cookery, and security took place in the tenth "Masterpieces of the National Association of Professional Sectors Competition". This is an initiative promoted and organized by the CNOS-FAP (National Centre for Salesian Works - Training and Professional Upgrading) in progress these days in various Salesian locations throughout Italy.
(ANS - Rome) - "Remember that we have to work for young people and the service of man, so that justice may triumph in all areas". So said Bro. Jean Paul Muller, Economer General of the Salesian Congregation, to the Provincial Economers of 24 provinces of the Salesian world. A meeting to update and inform Salesians recently appointed as Provincial Economers has just ended.
(ANS - Rome) - From Monday 9 May, the anniversary of the birth of Mother Mazzarello, the Studies Centre of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences at "Auxilium" in Rome is available online. As well as giving information on the activities of the FMA Study Centre, the site aims to be a service and a research and documentation space where the FMA, Past Pupils, Salesians and Salesian Family members and those who are interested in the female dimension of the Salesian educative spirituality can refer to contributions on the history, pedagogy and spirituality of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians from the origins (1872) to today.
(ANS - Barinas) - The increase in the number of people from outside who are occupying the Salesian Agricultural School in Barinas these days continues to put at risk the stability and the work of the Salesian community, the work of the teachers and the educational activities on behalf of young people.
(ANS - Kapolowe) - Hansen's disease, commonly known as leprosy, is a disease that causes not only suffering but also social stigma. Those who are infected, even if they are cured, continue to suffer the clinical consequences and often also social consequences. It is to these people in need of recognition and friendship that young members of the missionary circles of the South of the Democratic Republic of Congo demonstrated their closeness. On Sunday 8 May they visited them and shared with them the results of the solidarity campaign carried out during Lent.