The competition was organized under the banner project "Launching solidarity networks to strengthen the value of solidarity in Salesian communities and to spread/make the Collaborative Project in Schools more visible."
The prizes awarded at the competition have a clear educational orientation; criteria for selection includes: originality, quality, social engagement, teamwork. The jury established the following ranking:
- "Solidarity Pharmacy" - of VILLADA Salesian Technical Institute, First Prize winner;
- "Almas callejeras, or Street Souls" – of VILLADA STI, Second;
- "Entre dos - Diagnosticating Poverty" - of "Angel Zerda" Salesian Institute of Salta, Third;
- "Aquiles - Cuidando and the Medio que nos rodea, or Caring and the Environment around us," of Salta's "Angel Zerda", Fourth;
- "San José - Cultura del trabajo, or the culture of work" - of "Angel Zerda", Fifth.
"The competition was a way to let the students of the Salesian Houses learn and participate in the Salesian mission, make it their own in matters of solidarity and acquire experiences and training that strengthen Salesian charism and the Don Bosco Preventive System in them," explained the competition organizers. "They were were also encouraged to consider the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, keeping in mind the issues of Zero Hunger, inequalities, health, dignity in work, the reduction of poverty ... And so, with their efforts, they have reflected on how they can themselves contribute to working together for change."