Fiji Islands – Tropical Cyclone Winston: relief efforts

26 February 2016

(ANS – Suva) – “In the early afternoon of 20 February, the winds began to intensify. By sunset it was terrifying to see the winds and rain bend huge trees, snap branches, rip roofs from buildings, tear through vegetation and dwellings”, Fr. James K. Hoe, SDB, speaks about the horrific experience of the Tropical Cyclone Winston.

“‘Winston’ seemed to have a mind of its own, like no known cyclone. Its violence increased and many times it suddenly changed its direction. It has been defined ‘The most un-behaved cyclone’” adds Fr. Hoe.

At Don Bosco, the Salesians lost a few trees, and debris littered everywhere. However, these were minor damages. When the cyclone abated on Sunday morning, the religious walked to the surrounding areas visiting families of their Sunday School students, supporters and friends. Even though Suva was without power since the cyclone struck on 20 Feb, they still had class at the seminary.

Meanwhile, they intend to visit badly hit areas and see how we can assist the people to rebuild their lives and homes. “Thanks to you and to the many confreres for your prayers and concern for the people of Fiji”, said Fr. Hoe.

Published on 26/02/2016


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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