At that time, the communities in Ireland belonged to the Anglo-Irish Province (GBR) which also included Southern Africa and Malta. The establishment of the Vice-Province of Ireland and Southern Africa followed the Provincial Chapter of the then Anglo-Irish province during Easter 1969. Three years later, on 31 January 1972, the Province of St Patrick was canonically erected, with the Provincial House in Dublin.
Malta remained as part of the GBR province until 1980 when it was transferred to the Irish Province. In 1989, Southern Africa became a separate Vice-Province, leaving the configuration of Ireland-Malta. Further discernment on the province configuration in 2017, looked at the possibility of Malta becoming a vice province. On 26-06-2018 the Rector Major granted Malta the juridical status as a Vice Province.
I would like to pinpoint a few initiatives where I see the in-breaking of God’s kingdom in our Province today. it is by no means an exhaustive list.
The Internationalization of the Province: I believe that this is the movement of God’s Spirit in Ireland today which is becoming more multi-cultural, and it is fitting that our communities should reflect this changing reality.
Contemplative youth ministry is an approach which requires faith, perseverance, the ability to wait, allow the fallow ground to be prepared, sow seeds, and respond to the promptings of God. Fallow land is land left to rest, regenerate, pause. It allows the soil of a field to replenish nutrients. To wait in this in-between-place, requires patience and a deepening faith. It requires perseverance to continue to sow when immediate results are not forthcoming. The signs of green shoots are an invitation to respond to the inspirations of God who is bringing about something new. We can see this happening in the new oratory development (Celbridge, Pallaskenry), the catechism classes, and gatherings of young people born in Ireland (parents Polish/Vietnamese).
Salesian Youth Ministry Course: In conjunction with the St Patrick Pontifical University, we offer a course in Youth Ministry and Spirituality up to the level of Masters. It is one way of allowing the charism to be sown in places outside of our present works.
Parish Development: Salesians of IRL Province work in four parishes, one of which, in the inner-city Dublin, is attached to two independently run services working from a Salesian ethos perspective with families, unaccompanied minors, young people who cannot live at home, and addiction rehabilitation programmes. It includes a new outreach/residential centre for young immigrants. Our parish community in Limerick is alongside the campus of University Limerick where we are chaplains and is also a student hostel and spirituality centre. Recently we took on a neighbouring parish to our Pallaskenry which strengthens the School-parish connection to realize the Salesian Oratorian heart which places the young at the centre of both school and parish.
These more recent initiatives, grass shoots of the Spirit, complement the ongoing ministries as recognized at previous chapter (2022):
– The continued development of Chaplaincy teams in schools (pastoral outreach to the young on the ground) so as to witness to the lived Salesian Ethos. This has led to the development of oratories outside of School time.
– Development of a Theologate/Formation House (Maynooth situated on campus) so that those coming from abroad can become enculturated while doing Theology in an Irish context. In 2025 we have two aspiring novices, the first in many years for us here in Ireland.
– In 1942 a Province Mission Office was established to support formation costs and the work of Irish foreign missionaries. This is now part of the Province PDO office, staffed by lay staff and volunteers. It draws down considerable State funding for Salesian projects throughout the world as well fundraising for other projects. However, it is more than about fund-raising, it is an important office in animating the Salesian mission in the province. The PDO facilitates the production of the Salesian Bulletin and Don Bosco International Volunteers service.
– A having a steady stream of new Co-operators: 3 (2019) 2 (2024); Currently 12 aspiring Co-operators in two year formation programme.
– Publications – Eunan Mc Donnell SDB, Live Jesus: With St Francis de Sales and St John Bosco (India, Kristu Jyoti publications, 2023); Jack Finnegan, SDB, Walking The Wise Way of The Heart: Exploring the Art of Spiritual Accompaniment (Malta Press, 2024), 60 seconds weekly videos by delegate for Social Communications.
For many years, Ireland was looked upon as one of the world’s most deeply and stably Catholic countries. However, this changed in the 1990s as Ireland became more globalised and influenced by individualization and secularism. Rather than concentrating on the statistics of our province, which numerically is in a state of decline, we first must have a correct understanding of what God is doing in this situation and how God is asking us to respond. In a state of diminishment, we experience more deeply our sense of poverty, powerlessness and deficiencies. However, questions emerge from this place that would not otherwise be asked.
It is fertile ground for deflating our ego and teaching us to learn greater dependence on God, turning towards God in our need. Sometimes even the “work” may seem insignificant and does not seem to confirm our identity as consecrated religious. In a secularized society, religion is relegated to the margins. However, God is no less present than he has always been. God sends us as his witnesses. We are called to embody his presence amidst the young in Ireland today. We need to be in a living relationship with God who we are witnessing to, if we are to accompany the young on their faith journey today.
To learn more about the IRL Province, a video is available on ANSChannel.