To better understand the importance of this change, we share the comments of the Economer General, Br Jean Paul Muller, who described this position as a "moment of change" and a "renewed appreciation of the brothers."
A Moment of Change and New Opportunities
“The discussion we had in the Chapter showed us that there is a moment of change and a renewed appreciation of the brothers," said Br Muller. "On the one hand, these confreres have made significant progress: they follow academic paths, and their way of living in the Congregation has changed; on the other hand, they have started to take on new responsibilities, finding themselves truly on the front line."
This position of the GC29 has its roots in the Rescript signed by Pope Francis in 2022, which authorized non-priest religious to hold positions of governance within communities. However, Br Muller expressed a small regret for the time lost in not experimenting with this possibility earlier: "I regret that we did not practice it back then because there would have been an opportunity to 'test' it. Appointing a brother as a Rector would have been a great experience to discuss in this Chapter. Now we have to wait and initiate a six-year experiment."
An Immediate but Limited Impact
When asked about the immediate impact of the decision, Br Muller responded realistically but also with hope: “Not many brothers will be called upon because their number is low. But I am sure that wherever they are appointed, this will be a great sign. A positive dynamic will develop in those communities and provinces, and eventually throughout the Congregation."
Another relevant aspect touched upon by the Economer General concerns future vocations: “I hope this decision will have a good influence on vocations. We must prepare ourselves: from today, brothers must be trained as we already train priests, so that they can take on responsibilities and represent Don Bosco wherever they find themselves."
A Positive Innovation for the Entire Congregation
Regarding the value of this decision for the integrity of the Congregation, Br Muller added: “I believe so. I was one of those who said to leave things as they are; I didn’t feel involved in planning changes. But I have seen the development of the Salesians in recent years, and that of the Church: today, all those who declare themselves Catholic feel this wind of change.”
The decision made at GC29, therefore, is not just an organizational choice but a sign of the times, a step toward a Church and a Congregation increasingly capable of valuing the vocation of each member, according to Don Bosco’s charism.
A Look Toward the Future
With the launch of the six-year experiment, GC29 has opened a new path for Salesian brothers, offering them opportunities for leadership and increasing responsibility. This signal is not just a recognition of their past contributions but a call to look to the future, with trust and hope, toward new forms of mission and service in the Church and among young people.