Numerous topics were discussed during the two meetings, starting with the renewal of the Salesian Historical Institute's (ISS) agreement with Salesian Headquarters, the Mary Seat of Wisdom Vice-Province and the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS); some points were discussed in depth and, above all, it was agreed that the transfer of ISS to UPS, as decided by the Superiors of the Congregation, can be considered definitive; the agreement was completed by the ‘Protocol of Intent’, the content of which specifies the terms of the cooperation, already implemented at various levels (cultural, informative, technological, logistical), between the individual institutions operating on the campus, in full respect of the legitimate statutory autonomy.
The recent update of the pages of the website, revised in order to better describe the activities of ISS and ACSSA members, was illustrated. This update requires the timely submission of news to be published. There was also a renewed invitation to identify the new coordinating secretary and the new editor-in-chief for the journal.
The various stages of preparation for the International Conference, organised by the ISS, which will commemorate the 150th anniversary of the first Salesian Missionary Expedition, were illustrated. The conference will be held in Rome - UPS on 2-3 May 2025.
The meeting continued with a review of some recent events:
- the presentation of the volume: Giovanni BOSCO, Predicazione. Critical edition edited by Aldo Giraudo and Massimo Schwarzel. (= ISS - Sources, Series I, 18). Rome, LAS 2024, 22 November 2024, Rome, UPS;
- the photographic exhibition: Immagini di un mondo scomparso. Don Alberto De Agostini: l'uomo, la natura, l'arte, la scienza - Società Geografica Italiana - Rome, opened on 13 January 2025;
- the presentation of the ten volumes: Giovanni Bosco, Epistolario. Introduction, critical texts and notes edited by Francesco Motto. Vols. I-X (1835-1888). (= ISS - Fonti, Serie prima, 6, 8, 10-17). Rome, LAS 1991-2024, produced on 28 January 2025, Rome, UPS.
Other initiatives were also planned in connection with the presentation of several ISS volumes:
- Presentation of the book: Cinzia ANGELUCCI and Stanisław ZIMNIAK, Percorsi ragionati di storiografia per la storia salesiana (1971-2022 ) - Reasoned paths of historiography for Salesian History (1971-2022). (= ISS - Bibliographies, 5). Rome, LAS 2024, fixed for 12 March 2025, Rome, UPS;
- presentation of the ten volumes: John Bosco, Epistolario. Introduction, critical texts and notes by Francesco Motto. Voll. I-X (1835-1888). (= ISS - Sources, First Series, 6, 8, 10-17). Rome, LAS 1991-2024, scheduled for 2 April 2025 in Turin in the State Archives.
Planning also included the presentation of other volumes, currently being printed:
- Paolo PIERACCINI, Salesiani in Terra Santa: dall’“Opera Don Belloni” al Mandato Britannico (1863-1920): questioni politico-diplomatiche e istituzionali, attività pastorale ed educativa, problemi d'identità nazionale. (= ISS - Studies, 35). Rome, LAS 2025;
- Hendry Selvaraj DOMINIC, The Formation of Indian Seminarians at Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Tamit Nadu - A Salesian Contribution ( 1935-1965). (= ISS - Studies, 36). Rome, LAS 2025.
Some new research proposals were also considered and approved:
- ‘Vis unita fortior. I Salesiani Cooperatori nella storia (1876-2000) by Angelo Giuseppe DIBISCEGLIA.
-La risposta salesiana al problema dei “poveri figli della strada” durante il rettorato di don Albera by Paolo VASCHETTO.
-Don Bosco – predicatore’. Proceedings of the Study Day: Rome, 22 November 2024, Pontifical Salesian University, edited by Stanisław ZIMNIAK.
-Epistolario di don Bosco. Proceedings of the Study Day: 28 January 2025, Rome, Pontifical Salesian University - Proceedings of the Study Day: 2 April 2025, Turin, edited by Francesco MOTTO.
In view of the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the ‘Pious Union of Salesian Cooperators’ (Brief of Pius IX: 9 May 1876), the hypothesis of organising a study meeting in the second half of the year 2026 was examined.
Before the conclusion, planning of the work for the 2025-2027 three-year period was checked; some editorial norms for the publication of the critical edition of the Salesian sources were discussed; the continuation of work on the reorganisation of the ‘ISS-DB Library’ was illustrated; the planning of the Five Continental Seminars, organised by the ACSSA, to be held in the year 2025, and of the International Conference, scheduled for 2027, were discussed.
For the ‘Ricerche Storiche Salesiane’ journal (RSS), the presentation of indexes for the first and second issues of the 2025 and 2026 years anticipated some requests from the editor-in-chief regarding greater availability for the review of volumes and for the evaluation of articles destined for the RSS, and for the indication of publications, related to the history of the Salesian Family, to be included in the ‘Repertorio bibliografico’.
Fr Stanisław Zimniak,
Coordination Secretary of ISS