Portugal – On the third day we rediscovered Mary

02 September 2024

(ANS – Fatima) – The third day of the International Congress of Mary Help of Christians was marked by moments of intense spirituality, the sharing of impactful testimonies and artistic expressions that moved the participants. A highlight was the recitation of the rosary and the candlelight procession, presided over by Bishop Maksym Ryabukha, Auxiliary Bishop of Donetsk, Ukraine.

The morning of the third day of the International Congress of Mary Help of Christians began with the Eucharist in various languages. In the Paul VI Centre, the first conference of the day was given by Fr J. Bartolomé, a Salesian priest with a degree in Theology and a doctorate in Sacred Scripture.

In his presentation  ‘Mary of Nazareth, master of the art of discernment’, the he highlighted Mary’s journey from the birth of Jesus to his adolescence, using various biblical passages. Exploring Mary’s vocation as a model of faith and obedience to God’s will, the priest said: ‘before she chose God, she had to accept that God had chosen her’ and continued: ‘whoever is aware of having been called feels graced by Him; like Mary, to find one’s vocation is to have found God’s grace’.

Fr J. Bartolomé also highlighted the fact that Mary’s vocation did not end with the birth of Jesus, but continued throughout her life, always full of challenges and new revelations. ‘[Mary] would need to start an adventure with God just at the point where she thought she would have finished. God does not let his best servants rest easily,’ he concluded.

In conclusion, the speaker said: ‘Mary reminds us that God can always ask more of us than we have already given him. Duty done does not exempt us from obedience to what is to come.’

Life testimonies: challenged by God and accompanied by Mary

The testimonies of Filipa Andrade and Bishop Maksym Ryabukha, Auxiliary Bishop of Donetsk, Ukraine, filled the room with emotion and hope.

Filipa Andrade, who has a degree in nursing, is married and has two children, and is the head and founder of the choir for Sunday’s 12.30pm Eucharist at the Salesians in Estoril. Raised in a Catholic family, it was quite naturally in 1991 that she was motivated to create a choir with her nephews and other young friends to animate the Sunday Eucharist at the Salesianos in Estoril. ‘We knew that having God in our lives was good and that the Eucharist was the way to him,’ Filipa emphasised.

Recounting, throughout her talk, various episodes in her life in which she truly felt God’s love and presence, Filipa concluded her sharing as follows: ‘these were some stories that Jesus and Mary wrote with me’.

In an inspiring testimony, Bishop Maksym Ryabukha, Auxiliary Bishop of Donetsk, Ukraine, shared his life story, which has always been marked by a very difficult context. With a very strong Marian devotion, the Bishop shared a message of hope and resistance, but also of deep faith and devotion. ‘With Mary’s grace and protection, no one from the Oratory has yet been injured or mortally wounded,’ he emphasised.

Mary: a model for young people

The final afternoon of the International Congress of Mary Help of Christians began with the conference ‘Mary and the education of today’s young people’, presented by Sister Adriana Silva, the general director of the Institute of Mary Help of Christians in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Having emphasised Mary as a model for young people, Sister Adriana Silva explored the ‘Dream at Nine Years of age’, which represents the identity and mission of the Salesian Family. ‘(…) the ‘Dream’ in which the general theme of this congress is framed (…) is the inspiring icon of the identity and mission of the entire charismatic family founded by it,’ the speaker emphasised.

In the words of Sister Adriana Silva, Don Bosco learnt and integrated the Preventive System from his devotion to Mary, Mother and Teacher, who accompanied him from the beginning of his spiritual journey. Furthermore, Don Bosco’s attachment to Mary is evidenced in various dreams throughout his life, which moulded his mission of merciful love and service to Christ.

Recalling the words of Pope Francis, Sister Adriana Silva concluded her presentation: ‘The world needs contemplative young people and educators, in the style of Mary, capable of questioning and meditating on the direction in which humanity is travelling, where it is and what God is trying to tell us in the events of this time: young people and educators capable of committing all their potential to the search for and construction of the common good and social friendship.’

Contemplating the Blessed Mother

Saturday afternoon was marked by a concert by Fr Maurizio Palazzo, chapel master and titular organist of the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians. The chosen repertoire helped to create an atmosphere of contemplation through music and the audience was led into a deep state of meditation and prayer.

Fr Maurizio Palazzo was accompanied by the voices of Francesca Incardo, Francesca Rosa, Francesca Cederle, Gemma Gurrado, Frederico Cucinella and Gabriele Spesso, who filled the auditorium with emotion.

The young people also had a special moment at this International Congress, a meeting with the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio. Emphasising the importance of the presence of young people at this Congress, as part of this great family, the Vicar asked the young people, divided into sharing groups, to answer some questions about the meeting. ‘Young people are the present, the presence of young people dictates the vitality of devotion to Mary Help of Christians and the vitality of the Salesian charism,’ Fr Stefano Martoglio.

The afternoon ended with Fr Pier Luigi Cameroni’s talk on Salesian holiness, where concrete examples of lives dedicated to God and others were presented. The lives of the servant of God, Luigi Bolla; Blessed Eusebia Palomino; and Blessed Alexandrina da Costa were recalled.

Rosary and candlelight procession: unity and faith

The rosary and candlelight procession for peace, presided over by Bishop Maksym Ryabukha, Auxiliary Bishop of Donetsk, Ukraine, closed the third day of the International Congress of Mary Help of Christians on a high note. Bishop Maksym Ryabukha led the faithful in a procession for peace, asking for Mary’s intercession for all conflicts and injustices in the world.

The rosary was recited in several languages, reflecting the universality of devotion to Mary and the unity of the Church in its diversity.

Source: MariaAuxiliadora2024


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