RMG – "Shaping Tomorrow": the Church's media communication in a change of era

16 July 2024

(ANS - Rome) Talking about a new era sometimes frightens Church people, while other times it fascinates them. A new phase of history means a change in thinking, acting, planning and evangelising. Each new era introduces distinct processes and innovative tools linked to the modernisation of communication and the transformation of the entire culture. Some communication structures are relaxing, others are crystallising, even in the Church, while the public is acquiring unprecedented skills and presents increasingly innovative expectations.

The previous media era was characterised by one-way messages - the recipient had few tools to respond to the message received. In the age of new media, recipients engage with proposed content interactively, and the sender must expect the recipient to act and interact. Every now and then a new media era comes along and this change is particularly evident right now. There is no doubt that some ways of creating content from a few years ago already seem archaic, because media, especially social media, is changing dynamically.

 Fr Maciej Makuła, SDB, a member of the Social Communication Sector, in recent months has been coordinating the activities of "Shaping Tomorrow",the 2024 Communication Conference which will take place from 1 to 7 August 2024 at the facilities of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) in Rome.

"The 21st century is characterised by a new era of information exchange, which is entering unknown territory " writes Fr Makuła. "People communicate differently today than 10 years ago, and in 10 years the situation could change radically. The way we communicate and receive content is changing. It is not so much a momentous change as a change of era, both at an institutional and personal level. The Internet, social media or artificial intelligence have revolutionised the way humans interact, especially with modern tools, creating different content and exploring new channels of communication.

The full text of the article, in pdf format, can be downloaded here at the bottom of the page.

"We invite you to participate in the communication conference that will be held from 1 to 7 August 2024 in Rome" is the exhortation that comes from the Social Communication Sector.

In view of the Conference, the Facebook page and Instagram profile of "Shaping Tomorrow" are already active.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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