The meeting sought to respond to the common challenges that these two Salesian groups have, as the Provincial Coordinator of the parishes, Fr Koldo Gutiérrez, and the Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, Fr Xabier Camino, underlined in their welcoming words. The objective was to "seek the best possible coordination between these two pastoral environments with regard to the Christian life of the young people that God entrusts to us."
In his address, Fr Attard presented some keys for enlightening and interpreting the current situation of parishes and youth centres, and thus respond to the concerns of young people. At a time when "Christianity seeks a new home in the plurality of postmodern society", he invited his listeners to find bold initiatives in this "rupture" that respond to the new reality that is emerging because, he exemplified, "the current network of parishes was created centuries ago in a very different pastoral set of circumstances."
Therefore, the novelty will be reconstructed starting from things that can launch messages that respond "to the hunger and thirst of today's children." "The spiritual accompaniment of those who are seeking is clearly a form of ministry that the Church can offer to this world, and not only to its followers" he said, based on the opportunities and challenges experienced in today's circumstances.
Participants were able to talk to the Extraordinary Visitor about some local situations or about perspectives on the image of the Church itself.
In the second part of the morning, the Superior of SSM, Fr Fernando García, based his presentation on Don Bosco's experience and his response to the young people he met. The basic intuitions of the Founder served as inspiration for rethinking the proposal of Salesian parishes and youth centres, at a time "of reorganisation of our presences", he stressed.
Hence, he proposed that "the concept of the Salesian parish as a community of communities requires concrete interventions that generate mutual affection between people and a sense of belonging." For the Provincial, this should translate into spaces and moments of encounter, personal attention, or in proposals of first proclamation and processes of education to the faith, transforming these ecclesial environments into authentic "field hospitals", as proposed by Pope Francis.
These two interventions were discussed by the participants both during the community assembly and in two specific group discussions in which the reflections gathered at the end of the first meeting on the subject, held in February 2019 in Valladolid, were also taken up.
Meanwhile, Fr Attard is continuing the Extraordinary Visitation, conducted on behalf of the Rector Major, to all the Salesian houses in SSM. In November he visited the educational communities and the Salesian Family in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid-Atocha and Theological Studentate, Deusto, Barakaldo, Cruces, Santander-María Auxiliadora and Burgos. After this he stayed in León. On 8 December, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, he will travel to Salamanca and then return to Madrid to visit the houses at Fuenlabrada and Carabanchel. He will close the year by presenting to the Provincial Council, on 26 and 27 December, the evaluation of the first part of his visit.
In the meeting with the community at the Theological Studentate in Madrid, Fr Attard also underlined some points: "Taking care of your own formation means taking care of the young people you will meet in the future; moreover, never neglect the importance of accompaniment, neither now nor after initial formation"; and he encouraged everyone to continue in the serene climate of study they are leading by taking care of each other.