RMG – Presentation of World Novena to Mary Help of Christians, 2023 edition

04 May 2023

(ANS - Rome) - The tradition of the World Novena to Mary Help of Christians (May 15-23), promoted by the Salesian Central Headquarters and of relevance for all members of the Salesian Family who intend to adequately prepare for this recurrence, is renewed again this year. The videos and accompanying booklets for Novena 2023 will be made available online in the coming days, while the presentation video can already be viewed as of today, Thursday, May 4.

The spiritual proposal for this year's novena, entrusted by the Rector Major to the group of Don Bosco's Past Pupils and produced by "IME Comunicazione srl," is inspired by the theme of Strenna 2023, "As Yeast in Today's Human Family. The Lay Dimension in the Family of Don Bosco." It will focus on Mary's humanity, which illuminates and accompanies this dimension of the Salesian Family.

Each video, lasting about 8-9 minutes, features several alternating moments: a reflection by the Rector Major on the theme of the day; a story elaborating on it, written by Fr. Bruno Ferrero, Director of the Italian Salesian Bulletin; the testimony of former students, men and women, of the Salesians of Don Bosco or of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, from different backgrounds, ages and experiences; the final prayer of invocation to Mary, inspired by the writings of Fr. Tonino Bello, the late and courageous Bishop of Molfetta, who died just 30 years ago; and a of each video, an overview of shrines dedicated to Mary Help of Christians around the world.

Mary as woman of bread, Mary woman of daily life, Mary as courageous, in love, without rhetoric, of silence.... There are so many aspects of the Virgin Help of Christians that will be deepened during the nine-day journey: guiding the devotees from all over the world will be the reflections of Fr. Tonino Bello, who in Mary was able to find a true, straightforward, complete and fulfilled humanity; a humanity that lives and understands ours; even more, a humanity that is the mother of ours, in the journey of living the Lord's love in the service of the last and the little ones, of those who suffer and those in need.

The videos will be accessible in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese on the different language channels of ANSChannel and on TELEGRAM SDB.ORG. Each video will be made visible one day in advance,  so the first videos will be public on May 14.

The booklets, prepared in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, will be freely downloadable on the Congregation's institutional website: www.sdb.org and published in the same manner as used for the videos.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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