What to expect from SFSD 2023? Some members of the Salesian Family expressed their expectations for this annual event: "I’d like to deepen my faith, my Christian life, love, and humility - to be Leaven"; "I’d like to receive a shock - of animation, like last time, in 2022"; "I’d like to deepen my Salesian spirituality. I expect beautiful fellowship and spiritual growth"; "As a Salesian, I’m ready to learn from the insights of all participants, who will help me in my ministry and personal growth in vocation."
The formula adopted again for 2023 shall leave room for the various programs planned in other Salesian Regions to continue deepening the experiences and dreams of lay members of the Salesian Family. While thanks to the silent and dedicated work of so many people, all over the world it will be possible to live communally the main moments of the Days: in particular, the 9 a.m. morning Mass and the afternoon sessions from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (UTC+1) shall be visible respectively on Facebook and YouTube.
And for those who will not be able to attend the live broadcasts even remotely, there is always the possibility to relive the key moments of the SFSD on a delayed basis through ANS's spaces on social networks, where the videos will remain available in their respective languages as tools for animation throughout the year.
The Salesian Family Spirituality Days are a great opportunity to grow, inspire each other with good practices and initiatives, share spirituality and empower each other. There is still time to invite other friends to follow this important and inspiring event, share links, and spread the word among your contacts. As one of the lay members of the Salesian Family writes, "I’m happy to belong to this big, beautiful and holy family!"